
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Second attempt on Winter Melon Soup

Remember Mamarazzi bought a Winter Melon from the Pasar Malam the week before? She planned to make Lohan Guo Leong Sui. Same way as making Sea Coconut Leong Sui except replace the Sea Coconut with shredded Winter Melon.

She just need a little bit of Winter Melon for the Leong Sui. The extra she attempt to make Winter Melon Soup again

Her first attempt here was not that successful

She boiled a bit of meat. 

This round she chopped up the Winter Melon into chunks. Add some meat, scallops, red dates and "Gei Zhi". Boiled overnight using slow cooker.

 The next morning the soup turns out good. Smell so nice and taste good.


  1. now u make me wish i had soup for dinner...ish......

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  3. Haihhh... u kno wud's nice to drink on hot weather these days, Smallkucing? Ur mamarazzi's leong sui... aiyo... mamarazzi make the best leong sui in the world... come, help auntie bodek her...den we can sama sama drink her nice leong sui!

  4. Yum! I love herbal soups. I thought you were going to dig a hole and steam the soup inside the melon...

  5. hehe... U have a little helper helping u with the Winter Melon... hehe...

  6. This is my all time fav soup, don't know why but every time i savor it,it just gives me good feeling

  7. hehe, my dad always cook winter melon soup one woh, hahaha, think not too difficult right?? :p

  8. yummy, i love this kind of cool soup..

  9. Yeah, I can see it's clear without excessive oil(something a chef would recommend)! This is certainly worth calling 'Lou For Tong'(sufficient heat soup), applause to mamarazzi!

  10. wah, boiled overnight, the taste must be very dense!

  11. Last weekend i just boil this soup. Winter melon, soup bone, red carrot and red dates, yummy. Nice to cool our body, especially on the hot hot weather like now.

  12. winter melon is my favorite!

    the soup looks so yummy!

  13. My type of soup, esp with winter melon, surely tasted fantastic.

  14. Aiya, hungry liao....after reading this.....time to eat dinner with my bak kut teh soup! LOL!

  15. Angel Bear

    Nice nice soup to eat rice with

  16. CCM

    Thanks for dropping by. Will visit your blog soon

  17. Auntie Cleff

    Bodek her ah...what is my bribe?

  18. STP

    Last round dig a hole liao. Steamed too long the whole melon kedut already and some soup leaked :(

  19. Eugene

    Hmm...must be your mom used to cook this soup when you are young

  20. SK

    Not difficult. But last round Mamarazzi attempt the fancy type. Whole melon, dig hole and throw in the ingredient and steam. Whole thing become lembik LOL

  21. ALice

    Coz boil the meat 1st and throwaway the water. Thats' why not much oil

  22. Faisal

    Yup very cooling soup for a hot day

  23. Pete

    Kenot BKT la...too hot...but can "durian". LOL

  24. Mama Kucing very pandai in cooking!

  25. Guilty!! I never boil soup for a long long time already..

  26. Isaac

    Tak pandai...trial and error

  27. Claire

    time to boil soup lo...heaty weather


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