
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 14 April 2011

Inspector Singh Investigates : A Deadly Cambodian Crime Spree by Shamini Flint(ARC)

Jeng~Jeng~Jeng~ Hot from the oven...or rather the Pos Man's motorbike. An Advance Reading Copy of Inspector Singh Investigates : A Deadly Cambodian Crime Spree from the author, Shamini Flint.

Mamarazzi fell in love with Inspector Singh Series since she first read Inspector Singh Invesitigates : A Most Particular Malaysian Murder and have been chasing the series since then.

She saw the author is listed in Facebook and joined the Fan Club. To her delight, the author asked in Facebook if anyone from the Press would like ARC of this book. You know la...Mamarazzi very muka tembok one. Immediately asked if blogger is eligible. And what do you know...this arrived yesterday afternoon.

 *Smell*Smell* I love the smell of new books.

 For me? I am touched.....

My first ARC directly from the author. The one from Auntie Cleff tak kira la coz if she don't give me, I'll tell Mamarazzi not to fry bihun for her. Ahem ahem...Auntie Cleff....mana durian?*bodek mode ON*

Aiyak...Mamarazzi forgotten to ask for autograph Ms Shamini pulak...but a nice and friendly lady to layan this small kucing...a small timer in this big big blogging world...

I bet tonight Mamarazzi will be laying down on the bed like this and read the book. This round Inspector Singh have gone to Phnom Penh as an observer to the International War Crime Tribunal. I wonder what happen next. From the synopsis, it sound like very "kan cheong".

Guess the review will be out in Mama Kucing Books blog soon.

Thank you very much Ms Shamini for this book!


  1. Inspector go Cambodia, kena land mine, tung tung chiang.....habis cerita...ha ha ha!

  2. Pete

    Choy!!! He haven't visited all of Asia yet leh! Don't curse la.

    Don't give the author to kill off this Insector Singh leh. Loveable character

  3. Bollywood in book format? Muahahahaha!

  4. Ok ok, Inspector Singh go to Cambodia, got discount voucher for Foreign Bride Agency, met Cambodian bride. Decided to settle down......then have family, retired. Then Inspector Kecil Singh took over....ha ha ha!

  5. Its certainly great for her to send you the book, really think this is a good touching move.

  6. STP

    Cambodia la...not India LOL

  7. Pete

    Then come back to Singapore and kena the existing wife ahem ahem...O.J Simpson case again...pengsan

  8. Nava

    Yes yes...very generous and kind too.

  9. Judging from the title of the book, I guess Inspector Singh will be very busy in Cambodian, perhaps lots of dead bodies to investigate. Very suspense-lah!

  10. Autumn

    think so....reading till chapter 3 now

  11. Is the author a singh? Peculiar title

  12. MRC

    Check out her profile lah :p


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