
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 9 April 2011

Malaysian Breakfast

I think this will only be found in Malaysia. Papa wanna eat Nasi Lemak, Mamarazzi wanna eat Dim Sum and I wanna eat McD.  If Ah Kong was here, he sure wanna eat Tosai.

That's how we end up having Nasi Lemak at Restaurant Khee Way in Kampung Baru Sg Buloh.

Mamarazzi "tapau-ed" the Nasi Lemak from the Pasar.Not bad. Very big packet of Nasi Lemak at RM1-50 only.

Nice o have with Kopi-O. 

Mamarazzi had Sang Yuk Pau and some Dim Sum

And it made Papa drool. He ordered Dai Pau pulak.

Ordered his favourite "pai kuat"

and Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun

What about my McD leh??? Say wanna bring me to McD.

The "Lottery Man" came. Papa bought some. Said if kena lottery, buy the whole McD outlet for me wor. Hmmmm.....which piece shall I choose?


  1. McD not Malaysian lah...and where got nice?

  2. sg buloh, do you live nearby there? I just got a place there, but won't be ready till 2013. How's the area like ya? :)

    Small kucing really cute looking at the lottery tickets macam concentrating to see if the numbers will come out!

  3. hehe, nasi lemak!! can be eaten anytime for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper or tea~~ make me wanna go tabao one packet now.. :p

  4. pity you, only ur wishes not grated :(

  5. hey.. where is this place.. like u are having breakfast in your big garden...

  6. STP

    McD fast food mah...McD nice coz got Playland...hehehe

  7. Isaac

    2013 is quite fast. Yes quite nice area.

  8. SK

    hahaha...hungry for nasi lemak..

  9. Claire

    The usual Dim sum lace lo...The same place where tapau for you before

  10. The Hong Kong tim sum looks so yummy, this is my fav too, esp with the gravy/sauce inside.

  11. OMG dim sum...i love dim sum mamarazzi makes me hungry =(

  12. Hmmm ... I'm adventurous and would love to try some of that food. I'm not a fan of McD's. Any recipes I could try?

    Love your blog, btw!


  13. Nava

    Yup...some shop sell doesnt taste good

  14. Mars Mell-o

    How about Dim sum at Overseas Restaurant with your hun? It's halal

  15. Sam

    Mamarazzi is one of those least talented person in the kitchen LOL. Do check out That is one talented lady in the kitchen. But better be warn...don't go to her blog with an empty stomach or else....LOL

  16. Next time uncle Pete open restaurant got nasi lemak, got burger, got dim sum....everything also got....then you come for breakfast! LOL!

  17. Uncle Pete

    Bila?? Faster faster la...Mamarazzi say must sell your curry stingray and the Bak Kua ok. Mamarazzi yet to try out your Bak Kua receipe LOL

  18. Good mix of breakfast from Malaysian to American to HongKee haha..

  19. We love all 3 too... as well as the tosai :p

  20. Chloe's Mommy

    arent we lucky :D


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