
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 15 April 2011

1 Roast Duck, 3 Dishes

Still remember Mamarazzi's post on Sze Ngan Chye Roast Duck from Petaling Street? We ate most of the meat.

Well, there was quite a bit of leftover. It's not wasted.

Mamarazzi use it to cook her favourite Asam Chye. She said yummy wor but I won't eat coz it's spicy leh.

Never fear, she also use some to cook delicious duck porridge for me. Yumm....the taste was so yummy.

I had two bowls of it. more left. Maybe next time ya..

Not bad roast duck can turn into so many dishes.


  1. Yum! Yum! Duck porridge! Must cook one day...but my old lady does not eat duck. So hard - cook for one person only...and have to cook something else for her. :(

  2. Hilda

    Have you eaten the Petaling Street one? Very sedap

  3. STP

    True memang hard to cook for 1.

  4. duck is nice, especially if the skin is well done. lucky i'm not hungry now.

  5. wow i never tried such combination where congee plus duck

    Have a nice day! =)

    My recent post:
    Happy 21st Birthday

  6. duck look's yummy but i dont eat duck cause duck is too cute hahaha..

  7. I have heard of this..but my family favourite is 'siu ngap fei' in Pudu, have you tried?

  8. Don't why i prefer chicken to duck, but i like the "chai bui" that made up of the remnants of the duck and mixed with some spices,, that one i really really like..

  9. Wooo....talking about asam chye, I love asam chye's my favourite!

  10. LOL... ur mamarazzi same like auntie... if got roast chicken or roast duck... tulang oso tak lepas. LOL!

  11. its awesome cooking the leftover duck or even the bones with the salted veg and dried chillies.

    I too do this, love the taste once done with the cooking, its enough to go with rice and nothing more.

  12. Mars Mell-o

    LOL....these duck already roasted wor

  13. Jen

    Which part of Pudu? Many shops there

  14. Eugene

    Just that with rice will kau tim..

  15. Auntie Cleff

    waste not, want not

  16. Choi Yen

    Good to have with rice

  17. wah, really use every inch of the roast duck to the max, haha!! good!! i like the assam vege leh, nice~~

  18. this mama is getting very creative now! i got to learn from your mama, J...

  19. Claire

    Dont wanna waste anything mah :D

  20. Mamarazzi is very "la sau".. can cook so many dishes! :)

  21. Chloe's Mommy

    Not La Sau but rather "lan tho"...repeat the same thing aje LOL


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