
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 11 April 2011

Sambal Petai - Mamarazzi's Super Lazy Recipe

 Let me tell you this. There is no other person in this world that is as super lazy as Mamarazzi.

Nearly a month ago, Mamarazzi bought 6 pods/stalks of Petai(Parkia speciosa) from the pasar. She stuffed the whole thing into the fridge and totally forgotten about it till the other day.

Alamak! The pods/stalks had turned brown. She took a gamble and started to peel the Petai. Hmm...lucky the seed inside is still edible. 

 She was lazy to go to the pasar to get some fresh prawn or sotong. Guess what she did? She went to the Nasi Lemak stall nearby and buy RM2 of sambal sotong from them.

Got a packet of Sambal Tumis from 99 Speedmart nearby.
Throw everything into the Wok and delicious Sambal Petai is ready! I bet when "someone" sees this post, that "someone" is going to make a lot of noise. Don't worry. There is still quite a lot of leftover in the fridge. Mamarazzi dare not eat a lot coz it's very heaty.


  1. yucks, i don't eat sambal, no matter how easy to cook, i still won't like~~ :D

  2. and i thought I was the malas-est person in the world hahahahaha

  3. In fact, mamarazzi has given alternative good idea to cook sambal petai. Looks tasty juga even without fresh prawn from market. Actually, my mom likes to cook sambal petai "tumis" with lots of grind dried prawn. It's also yummy.

  4. Aha!!! This kind of idea, I like!!! Must follow this way of doing it one of these days. Yum!

  5. eh....that's a good idea. Just buy some sambal from the malay stall and add in the petai. haha.... but I don't eat petai. The smell too yucky.

  6. not super lazy, is super clever :)

  7. Sambal petai! My dad's favourite.. I only eat the sambal coz I found the petai too bitter! :P

  8. My fav is petai and very creative way of preparing a meal.

  9. aaaa small!!!! im so hungry now!!!

    love petai so much!!!

  10. Angel Bear

    now you got competitor already

  11. Shennhy's Mommy

    Orang malas punya pasal lor :p

  12. STP also like sort cut ah

  13. mNhL

    ya a bit smelly and heaty too la

  14. Choi Yen

    lazy to peel this and that mah LOL

  15. Lenglui Witch nice punya food wor

  16. Nava

    lazy punya pasal so have t find short cuts lo

  17. Prince and Princess Mum

    okay la

  18. I have been eating petai for the last 3 days.. hahaa.. urine also got nice smell liow.. hahaha..

  19. Sedap ooh! Just one scoop of this sambal petai, can wallop one whole bowl of rice... very appetizing :) And you are not super lazy ok. Super lazy is when you dial for delivery... langsung no need to go into the kitchen!

  20. i love sambal but me dont eat petai =D mamarazzi suka petai ya?

  21. how come your petai is so nice. bought in cold storage?

  22. Claire

    LOL....ppl will know when u go to ladies

  23. Chloe's Mommy

    Not dont wanna call for delivery but delivery tarak hatar. Say too far :(

  24. Mars Mell-o

    yup love petai but dare not eat a lot

  25. Faisal

    No lah...from pasar. The skin turned brown already after 3 weeks. Lucky can eat. It looks nice coz just rinse with water

  26. Was thinking why you called it super lazy in the title post. LOL

  27. Che-Cheh

    Now you know la...super lazy person makes super lazy food LOL

  28. Eh what make it heaty? The sambal or the petai?

  29. Chee Yee

    Both gua. Coz even if the petai stir fried with roast pork also will feel hot after eating that


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