
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Durian Popsicle

Last week Mamarazzi went and bought some more durians. This round different a trader selling. Some of the durian he gave were kinda over ripe. By the time we arrived home, some of it had "melted".

It's yucky to eat "watery" durian. But "sayang" to throw away as it's D24. Mahal leh.

How ah? Mamarazzi doesn't know and does not have the equipment to make durian ice cream. Then I have her and ideal. Popsicle!

She had no idea how to make Popsicle too but simply "tembak" la. Took the seeds out. Scoop the pulp into the blender. Add some water and a bit of sugar.

The "blended" durian all poured into thin and long plastic bag. Pop them into the freezer.

Bought those plastic bag from the nearby Mini Market for RM2/packet.

Jeng~jeng~jeng! Durian Popsicles!

Taste?Boleh tahan la. Have very strong durian smell.

You want one? RM2 satu batang! Wei...not expensive leh. Made of D24 type of durian leh.

Note: Hmm...people say eating durian is heaty...what about durian Popsicle ah?


  1. gosh.. like that also can?? wahhh.. i wanna try one stick, boleh tak?

  2. wah, durian popsicle?? can i have other flavours ah?? RM2 banyak mahal leh~~

  3. ada susu mesti best kan?? add some milk =D buat macam style alpukat haha..

    sedap tak durian popsicle? looks yummy i want!!!

  4. Esok lusa help auntie bodek ur mamarazzi make jeruk ice cream. Very sedap wan. Bwhahahaha! Like this la... auntie feed u egg biscuit... u go bodek for auntie, can? LMAO!

  5. Not make tempuyak kah?

  6. Eh very clear idea. RM2 satu batang? Boleh la. Kasi satu.

  7. hub loves it..hahhahah

  8. Courier 1 stick over, i want to try... kekeke...

  9. Ooohhh...I also want to try. :) I just had durian too last night. First time after many years. Durian ice cream, I have to buy from ice cream man. :)

  10. This is really a creative idea!! I guess this creativity will not occur to me, i will ended up making tempoyak istead? Easy mah :D

  11. This is ais batu Malaysia, used to be so popular with some many flavours.

    Btw, I just enjoyed myself with plenty of tempoyak at a Malay Restaurant today, yummy with the durian flesh inside.

  12. Not bad leh, simply tembak also got gaya ma,,,,actually you did well,instead of throwing away,, you saved the day,,cool

  13. Good idea wor! I think add some milk lagi sedap... more creamy :)

  14. Wah...sedaplah. I want one. This weekend we will be in KL. I'm going to hunt for durian!!!

  15. Wah durian popsicle? Sounds good wor. Can aunty have one please? :P

  16. Claire

    Boleh...sayang to throw mah

  17. SK

    Ah Mah make is red bean mau?

    Wei..this one D24 lulian leh...not chapalang lulian leh

  18. Mars Mell-o

    oooo ya hor...why didnt Mamarazzi think of round will try

  19. Auntie Cleff

    woi...already got jeuk mango now want jeruk ice cream ah?? Dont want skinny enough liao.

  20. Che -cheh

    LOL...ya la...waste not mah

  21. Yee Ling

    Ya ka...looks like experiment sucessful la LOL

  22. Sharon

    courier later kena curi come visit Msia and also makan la

  23. Ann

    Ice cream man one all flavoring only...where got ori durian oh?

  24. Nava

    School time Mamarazzi always buy 20sen sebatang. LOL

  25. Chloe's Mommy

    ya hor...Mamarazzi didnt think of that. Next round will put milk

  26. so many durian post lately. Eat durian with rice, with pulut, now durian ice cream. *faint faint*


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