
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 23 July 2010

Where Is My "K" ?

Remember my post on "KFC Masuk?". Mamarazzi really did sent the photo to The Star Newspaper after reading suggestion from Jie Jie SuLyn.

Two weeks ago, Jie Jie beeped Mamarazzi saying that the photo got published in The Star Newspaper but didn't win any $$.

Typical kiasu, Mamarazzi, managed to get a copy of it from Auntie Florence. Aiks! Where is the "K"?

*sob*sob*sob* when Mamarazzi sent in the photo, the "K" was there. Somebody ate my "K".

Mamarazzi said maybe they are not allow to publish the whole thing coz copyright or something gua... *sob*sob*


  1. aww...poor 'K'...anyway, good not to publish also la. Good to have some privacy.

  2. ya i was wondering about that too. i thought your original photo don't have the 'k'. then i looked back and saw got wor. but i'm sure everybody who look would get the picture lor. just that if got the 'k' would look nicer hor.

  3. SuLyn

    Original have the word "masuk" also. Here kena chop off. Either for space purpose or maybe the copyright thingy gua

  4. KFC = Kentucky Fried Cockroach.

  5. ohhhh maybe hor...abo maybe u can win leh

  6. Ya...takut you get sued by KFC, spoil their nama!!!

  7. cannot be space problem one... just resize the photo only mar. probably the copyright thing. and they always advertise in the star wor. ;)

  8. Dont worry we know what that "K" is all about?

    take care now and have a great weekend

  9. u got the 50rm prize money or not? is it the same article? yes, they cannot publish the name one..

  10. They cannot publish, cuz no permission from KFC, and it will be deemed misleading to the readers as well. My guess, the Star is trying to avoid unnecessary lawsuit.

  11. ya, the prestige of kfc should be maintained ma..

  12. Oh sudah cut lah. No wonder I see like something tak kena with the photo.

  13. TZ

    No but if in Thailand ah..cockroach is food :p

  14. Eugene

    You have a great weekend holding hands also la :D

  15. Claire

    Kena number tarak kena money kakakaka

  16. Cleff

    They mislead customer leh..pacak the signboard there hahaha

  17. Never mind, people can guess it is the missing "k". ;p

  18. Wah, he really cried cos of that?

  19. i think they are protecting the K...hehehe...

  20. K drop into the rubbish bin... haha~

  21. hmm....scare kena sue by KFC ?

    A good try for sending in the photo. Next time can snap and send again. Who knows you can get the RM50.

  22. Yalah, maybe the Star is afraid of any legal consequences.

  23. ha ha ha, 'k' taken out, takut lawsuit....LOL!

  24. Kelvin

    No la...ngum ngum he was crying so the photo suits the post la

  25. Prince and Princess Mum

    wakakakaka why didnt i think of that

  26. Vialentino

    Protecting themselves la.

  27. don't cry small kucing ... mamarazi can try again next time .. try going for less known fast food companies.. hehe

    MY LATEST ENTRY: I hate Middle Lane Hoggers

  28. Haha The Star takut kena sue by KFC... but nevermind lah, one look at the font and colour, people know what it is geh ;)

    At least yours was picked and published. I've sent before, never appeared also :( or maybe I didn't check...

  29. Hidayah

    if got ilham then will try again :D

  30. Chleo Mummy

    Takes like a week + for it to be publish leh. Maybe yours was published but didnt notice

  31. BBO

    Ya will try again next time

  32. aiyah, they just crop the most interesting and crucial part!! or maybe KFC paid them not to publicise that?? haha.. :p

  33. SK

    Could be the copyright thingy la


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