
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 2 July 2010

The Story Of The DRESS From Irenelim Fashion by Baberazzi

Here is the story of dress from IreneLim Fashion.'t take photos la. Paiseh! Later STP sure say I look like girl girl pulak.

That day, we waited for the arrival of the dress till neck also long already. Strange. Usually IreneLim Fashion delivery is very efficient and fast.

After staying home for 3 days, Mamarazzi decided don't wanna wait anymore. Wanna go Pasar Malam to borong Durian to satisfy her Durian craze.

As we were on the way out, we bumped into the Poslaju Man. Only then did we know that the Poslaju Man was on leave and nobody take over his route. Hence the delay in delivery. Mystery solved.

Once arrived home from Pasar Malam, I beh tahan liao. Grabbed the parcel then said "Mama, open".

Mamarazzi was busy cooking and told me later.

But I was impatient. I went and dig Mamarazzi's handbag. Can't find. Hence I asked "Mama, camera where?"

Mamarazzi looked at me and laughed. ...isk ..isk..isk...I know Mamarazzi so well. Any parcel that comes thru the door must be "Officially Open" by snapping a few photographs.

Well, back to the story. I wanna try out the dress first. Cheh gaya or not?

Hmm...a very beautiful dress. Quality wise also good. Soft soft. Material not hot.

Okie, now Mamarazzi turn to "model" the dress pulak. I snap photos. Smile......

These are the photos that I snapped of Mamarazzi. Errr...a bit "chau kong" and Mamarazzi's body kena chopped off. Maybe if like jigsaw puzzle can "cantum balik" kot?

Not my fault ah...the camera too heavy for me mah. If only I have the Sony TX5 *hint*hint* to Nuffnang.

After I failed in photo snapping, Mamarazzi took over. Set timer on the camera. Cheh...pose this, pose that also failed. Got pose like looking for 20sen coin la, got pose like wanna penumbuk people la and got pose like so angry la.

Then I tried to be helpful by straightening the dress but kena Mamarazzi scold pulak. Say I kacau wor.

How la to send this bunch of photos to Irenelim Fashion for the contest. Sure kena ban. The dress is so beautiful and elegant but Mamarazzi pulak make funny pose. Cannot become model la.

The models in IreneLim Fashion are all very pretty. Check them out at Don't just look at the models. Look at the dresses, blouses, skirts and pants too. Very beautiful and trendy. And now they even have Muslimah Collection.

So far these two pose "kira" as "can see". Which one shall Mamarazzi send for the contest leh?


  1. NICE NICE!!! U look really sexy in the dress.... no need shawl, show off ur shoulders! ;)

  2. Wah, mama kucing turned into a model lorr......look beautiful leh!

  3. Nice! Very nice evening wear! I think ladies always look classy and chic in their little black number. Add a little bit of jewellery, put up the hair and clip like Annie-Q, memang sophisticated lady liao!!!

    And I'm talking about the ladies...not you little kucing! Confirmed pondan liao! Better spend more time with your papa, less time with your mama!!! LOL!!!

  4. pheeeweeet.....waaaaaaa.....1st time see mamarazzi here wor posing in sexy dress some more papa dun mind hor? ahahhaa

  5. At first really cant stop laughing after reading this post.

    Told u, look great in this black lor

    * specs dropped off suddenly*
    really tit ngan kiang..

    u er.. so sexy one ah? was it really u or one of irene's models?
    hey, i like the one looking down..
    born to be a model.. stand also got style one.. and hands also got posisi too!!
    (wei, not scared of stalker ah?) :)

  7. * wolf whistles....:p
    you look sexy and beautiful. Now looking at you with that dress on wish I am young again LOL!

  8. Oh Mamarazzi got a new LBD! You look great in it, Kathy. Can apply to be Irenelim's part time model hehe :p

  9. Kristie

    Isk isk....tulang all ler

  10. Manglish

    Thats why the photos blur...kakaka..cannot see face one

  11. STP

    Ya lor Annie's hair clip really very nice

    Aiyo...this boy apa also he have to "opening ceremony" 1st...

  12. Mommy Ling

    Laughter is the best medicine need to wrap wanton lor :p

  13. Claire

    You got wear specs one meh? kakaka

    stalker? Tarak orang wanna stalk la. Stalk also stalk those 18 sui pok pok chui lenglui la

  14. Chloe Mommy

    Aiyo...tua kerepot liao la...kenot become model. kakaka

  15. Lenglui Witch

    You lagi hot la kakaka

  16. Wow! Camwhore this time ya....nice nice :) The pose so sexy la....killing~

  17. Alamak, sexy ghost out for your neck, run for cover! LOL

  18. you look really beautiful, kucing mamee! i like esp. the photo collage. the four-in-one. without the specs, all the three very very sexy.

  19. Tuti

    thanks to the dress lor :p

  20. Wow...Mamarazzi is that you? So hot!! You look good in that dress.

  21. Sexy...Looks great in the dress.

  22. Mery

    Really love the dress lor :D

  23. Mummy Gwen

    Maybe coz Mamarazzi forgot to on the air-cond kot? kakaka..

    Love the dress. Very lovely

  24. Oww, you can pose very well... Once I see ppl take camera focus on me, I langsung can not pose, dun know how to smile.. Maybe I need to set timer then take photo for myself, i can be more natural ..

  25. wah look nice indeed!!! Any of the 2 pics also nice!

  26. Ann

    Hehehe...i guess just tembak one la hor.

  27. Mummy Moon

    Ya should set timer :P. Easier. Wont feel so embrassed


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