
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 1 July 2010

Choo! Choo! Victoria Station Stop!

Have we arrived? Victoria Station, Medan Damansara.

Wow! It says here that 3 Million Steaks were consumed in creating the Victoria Station legacy.

Freshly made Ice Lemon Tea

*suck*suck* why cannot geh?

Oppss...that is not a straw ah..malunya..

Dig dig...apply to the "roti". yummy.

Here comes the soup. Delicious. Not too salty not to bland.

Garlic bread. Fuiyo...very cheesy and crunchy.

Siput...with fancy name.

Isk isk isk...Mamarazzi eating weird things again. I had a bite. Taste very chewy. Not bad. Can swallow

Ceasar Salad. Hmm..portion a but too small leh.

Love the crunchy bread crumbs.

Mamarazzi's Cognac Steak. Don't worry. Tarak mabuk one.

Papa's Mixed Platter. A bit of everything. Taste good but Mamarazzi didn't like the lamb coz kinda have "sou" smell.

Uuuuuuhhh....I like...

"Bay Yoon". The "uncle" gave me a "bay yoon".

Last but not least, sweet and cold Ice Cream to keep Mamarazzi sweet and cool.

Me likey this place and so does Mamarazzi. Food was very good and price cheaper than it's neighbour Jake's Charboil Steak House.


  1. yummy food!!!!!!!!!

    I love, love, love escargots........ ;)

  2. Hmmm... ur Mamarazzi abit peliklah, smallkucing. Siput babi oso she wanna makan. Ish ish ish... dah kebuluran la tu. Ish ish ish. Kesian her, hor, smallkucing? Auntie's house here a lot of siput babi merayau- rayau around. Why not auntie go kutip for your mamarazzi to masak? Free punya... tak payah bayar pun, but if your mamarazzi wanna feed auntie some beehoon or pulut in exchange of siput babis, auntie no problem! LOLOL!

  3. ahhhh at 1st i tot is victoria's station hahhaha

  4. Victoria Ctation! Always wanted to eat there...but never got round to it. And TGIF...and The Ship...and... Sigh! Hope to go to KL soon.

  5. Hey I love this place + their food very much & I think will go there again later in this yr :-)


  6. oh yes, the food in the train is nice... :D

  7. hey mama, are u wearing the irene's? green and sassy! :p

  8. yoh, victoria station!! once of those hip place for steak back in the late 90s!! i've only been there once, and that was like 10 years ago..

    i think i still miss their escargots (aka siput)..

  9. You had escargots!! Very adventurous small kucing.. Bravo!! LOL!

  10. Steak...neither like beef or lamb except chicken n babi..wahhahahah. As u know i also scare of the 'sou mei'.

    I like the salad...must ask the vampire make one day since she is typical hantu english.

  11. Victoria Station ! wow..famous for its steak and fresh oyster I heard. Never been there though. Hopefully one day soon can get to taste their famous steak :)

  12. I heart on the cheesy bake escargots :)

  13. Aiya my comment lost. Yummy food me also post about train. Smallkucing did you ask Mamarazzi for U$20m to buy the train as per my post? haha

  14. Yummy food again! small kucing you are lucky boy, got mamarazzi brought you around to taste all sorts of food. But why you still not put up weight like chubby chubby type?

  15. those escargot looks so tempting.. nice foods..

  16. hahaha wat's the celebration? :P

  17. Yummy! Love Victoria Station too, but I always take cod / salmon when i'm there :-).

  18. Wow, what's the occasion? I see mamarazzi dressed up leng-leng (pretty2) wor.

  19. Auntie Cleff

    No la...cook pulut to many times already and bee hoon too...What about Dong Guai Chicken..kekeke

  20. Dora

    Ya the food good and service friendly :D

  21. STP

    You always siigh...bila wanna come KL

  22. Claire

    na...IreneLim Fashion Dress post will be up tomorrow..hopefully

  23. Lenglui Witch

    Coz Mamarazzi apa also sumbat for me to eat.

  24. SK a lot of steakhouse have sprung up and yet Victoria Station is still one of the better ones

  25. Mommy Ling

    Aisay...this beef tarak Sou Mei but the lamb in Papa's mixed platter have sou mei

  26. Elin

    Saw there was some live Lobster in the tank also

  27. Bananaz

    USD20M tarak...rupiah maybe ada la.

  28. Shenny's Mommy

    Got big tum tum ah...hidden beneath the oversize T-shirt :p

  29. Boey Joey ...

    Ooo...Mamarazzi carnivore..had to have meat. If fish wont feel full

  30. Medie007

    No celebration. Mamarazzi geram. Saja feel like eating steak :p

  31. Wah, smallkucing goes fine dining....didn't bring gurlfren meh?

  32. Haha, he pronounced balloon as "bay yoon"?

  33. Chloe's Mommy

    No special occassion. Saja Mamarazzi geram and wanna eat steak :p

  34. Kelvin

    His pronouciation still L-Licence. Balloon he pronounce as Bay Yoon

  35. Pete

    Ya lor...Mamarazzi didnt call my gurl fren wor.

  36. yummy~ nice... so what is the next stop?

  37. wah..the ice-cream nice leh!! Lucky kucing!

  38. Chris

    Yummy lor after eating such heavy dinner

  39. Yummy food again. Mamarazzi eat so much also cannot gain weight one..hehe.

  40. Mummy Gwen

    Have to find ways to gain weight


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