
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 9 July 2010

Special Thank You To Auntie Claire and Mommy Ling

This is a very very very belated thank you post to two person.

The first, Auntie Claire. You remembered Auntie Claire came to town last month?

She got me two coloring books. Thank you very much Auntie Claire. But Mamarazzi forgotten to collect it when we went home.

I love Pooh Bear and friend.

Then last week, Mommy Ling came over to deliver Mamarazzi's "diapers" which she "won" for being the First Commenter in Mommy Ling's blog.

Along with it, Mommy Ling delivered the coloring books which Mamarazzi had forgotten to collect and also gave us a tub of durians. Yummy looking hor?

Yum Yum...

Thank you once again Auntie Claire and Mommy Ling .


  1. omg.
    he finished the all the durian?

    hey, show me some of his art hehehe

  2. Berani makan durian? Gimme that bloody tub! Ish... don't let your Mamarazzi eat anymore. Heaty, yunno, heaty! Naw, be a good boboi and gv auntie that tub!

  3. Wow..small kucing also is a durian kaki..very nutritious eh.

  4. Huh...Hello Kitty colouring book..hehe. Cannot let Gwen see this post haha.

  5. LOL... Mummy Ling ah? You call her Mummy Ling ah? Kakakaka.... not you kenot pronounce meh? LMAO!

  6. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the durian...the flesh......

  7. Dont we just have good friends on the bloggershpere,,thank you to you to for your kind wishes and you have a great weekend ya

  8. wow, i love durians! mind sharing?

  9. I got 2 tubes...and the last tube i had too....dare not eat so many...edy heaty like mad.

  10. Ohh..Small Kucing likes durian?? LOL. Salute Small Kucing.

  11. Durians!!!!!!!!! i am eating them now lol ^^

    Oh sh*t, my mouse is full of durians~

  12. Oooo...why the durian orange in colour? Like Dutch football team colours. Our wild durian here...also that colour, Very nice!

    Heaty, never mind. Pour a bit of water in the shell and drink... But the durians did not come in the shell hor? Cannot lah like that! Hehehehehe!!!

  13. Wah durian again. Eh, Small kucing likes Hello Kitty also? Thought only girls will like her. :P

  14. So nice of Claire and Mommy Ling!

  15. Auntie auntie, I want colouring books too! LOL!

  16. haha...laughing on the word u used 'diaper'. I saw that in Mommy Ling's blog. So nice of both claire and Ling. U r being loved.

  17. wah gifts to both of u already still top-up with durians ah?


  18. Wah!kucing fatt tatt already! Btw, eat so much durian can be heaty

  19. Aunt Cleff

    Give you ah? dun want. I eat if Mamarazzi kenot eat

  20. Faisal

    Naa....still have in the freezer :p

  21. Eugene

    yes it's nice to have such friends :D

  22. STP

    drink 100 Plus also the same :p

  23. Kelvin

    your "mouse" also love durian ah :p

  24. Pete

    You have to ask from Claire lor

  25. Chee Yee

    He yet to discover that kakaka

  26. Prince and Princess Mum

    Both of them are kind soul

  27. Why these days so many ppl eat durian?? Is it the season? I want too!!! *wails*

  28. hey, can i exchange my coloring books for durians???

  29. Claire

    can can...when come again?

  30. Lenglui witch

    Yes durian season is back again

  31. It is good that your son loves durian. How do you 'train' him to eat durian? Mine two little one don't even want to try.

  32. Jessica

    He is like DBKL. Apa also eat one. kakaka never train also


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