
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 5 July 2010

Pa Chan Soup Down The Drain

Really salute this 99 Speedmart lah. Apa also they sell. Mamarazzi was surprised to see that they even sell prepacked Chinese Herbal Soup ingredient.

She bought a packet of Pa Chan Soup. Said to be good for female to drink after they have their monthly "friend's visit".

Frankly, Mamarazzi never had Pa Chan Soup before. She though it was just like the normal Chinese Herbal Soup.

How to open this packet ah? Must use hammer ah? Need to put the ingredient into the Slow Cooker to boil leh. Should be just nice to drink the next day.

Next morning woke up. Yuck! what is that "smell". The whole house stinks leh.

Mamarazzi! You are not feeding me that that that whatever you call it. If not, I'll call Teledera.

Mamarazzi thus had a spoonful of the Pa Chan Soup. Made a face. Well...let just say the whole pot end up down the drain.


  1. Pa Chan ok ma....good for woman leh...

  2. *the horror* Come, smallkucing, Auntie protect you from that monstrous Mamarazzi! Scary leh, later tipu you that she buang liao... later feed you den u kno!

    Mwhahahaha... *pengsan* your word verification... 'busuc'. *faint*

  3. HAHAAHHAAHAHAH look at his face hahahahahaha

  4. oh gosh!! so wasted? I also bought a few days ago but forgot to do it for my girl.. once a month, if tak lupa.. i put in 2 hard boiled eggs each time. aiyoh, better do it this evening..

  5. it taste really dat bad meh???

  6. Looks like the taste is really damn bad from ur face lol XD

  7. Pat Chan soup must have chicken and egg de... muahaha.. and it's not suppose to be 'soup' la.. muhahaha... next time try again la..

  8. wow~ Smallkucing look so fierce. Scary!

  9. LOL....I quite like it! Usually buy the pre-made ones in SS2 chinese shop. But yeah...the taste is not like herbal soup!

  10. Is pa chan only for women, that's why i was told,,,,

  11. Last time I also dislike pa chan soup but after since my mom tried bowling the herbs with chicken and lean pork, a totally different taste.

  12. Oh you just reminded me of those "bad old days" haha. My mum used to boil this for me when I was a teenager. I HATED it too. Yucks! But teruk2 also I forced it down my throat cos too obedient haha...

  13. oh....the smell makes me dizzy. but my sil can wollop the whole pot..hahhaa..salute her.

  14. Heehee!! I don't drink that too... or any other chinese herbs in fact :D

  15. The pre-packed one tastes not good ah?


  16. Hahahaha Mamarazzi seems does not like Chinese herbs. :)

    Add some eggs to make the hard boiled eggs, you also can add some pork to make the soup taste better. If you think it is too thick, add more water to cook.

  17. Haiyor! Should have kept them...and then force-feed Cleffairy when she drops by! Hahahahahahaha!!!!

  18. wah...tuang all to the drain...must taste very awful leh....

  19. Wow what a stare, small kucing terror got character..haha. 8 Chan tong down the drain after hearing all the good it brings to lady from the radio advert??? Smelly stuff are good stuff sweet and nice stuff are bad stuff get the equation korek leh..haha.

  20. my mum boil taste very nice one wor... put more sweet black dates inside... can add hard boiled eggs too if you want... yummy :-)

  21. Cleff

    wakakakaka "busuc" The system must have a 6 sense

  22. uLi

    taste so terrible one geh

  23. Kelvin

    The smell already bad liao

  24. Eugene

    Lucky you..dont have to telan this soup

  25. Mommy Ling

    whole pot? *faint*

  26. Chloe Mommy

    Now? Still boil for ownself drink ka?

  27. STP

    You want her to skin me alive ah? She can be very fierce one leh

  28. Chee Yee

    Chinese herbal soup okay with Mamarazzi but not this one

  29. Bananaz

    no thankiu ..kekekeke

  30. Medie007

    Fu and something else

  31. Dora

    Cant compared coz this is the 1st time attempt to drink

  32. Boey Joey

    It's pre-packed. Have the black dates already but still taste weird

  33. hehehehehe spray some perfume?

  34. little kucing will get nose bleed if he drank it... hahah

  35. i usually add black dates n chicken..tastes good.

  36. I hate the taste too. MIL will normally boiled for SIL and me. I will just drink 1 small bowl. really yucky !

  37. haha, don't blame you. better throw then throw up later. :p

  38. Tuti

    true true..i am sure many will agree

  39. mNhL

    ya lor...and have to drink every month...eeee


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