
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 27 July 2010

My CCF Mocktail

The other day I had CCF . Not Chee Cheong Fun but rather Cough, Cold and Fever. Mamarazzi brought me to the Doctor and he gave me so many types of "Zen"(Medicine). Colorful "Zen". Can make into Mocktail liao.

The nurse must have thought am a crying baby or what. Gave Mamarazzi syringe to force feed me. How insulting.

She really don't know me leh. Really "see me no up". Am the "Taikor". Malu lah if I still take "zen" using syringe.

"wet wet water" la. I can open the "zen" bottle by myself. I wanted to pour into the tiny cup but Mamarazzi didn't let me. Said I don't know how much to pour wor. So she pour for me instead.

Come! Bottoms up! *Gulp* No problem mo!

One down..some more to go. Cheers! Small matter like this cannot hinder me one.

Oh the time you are reading this post, I am all better liao. Thanks for the concerns :D


  1. Wah like bartender serving cocktail! Get well soon!

  2. kucing so guai.... and get well soon!

  3. Smallkucing sick... so pity have to take CCF... So how the mock-tail taste? Bitter or sweet?
    Get well soon eh~

  4. Wah..champion lah take med like that. Good job!

  5. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no problem taking medicine ar thumb up for you hahhaah

  6. Wah! Real hero lah u! Sick again? Cough? See! Always going out to eat... Take the cold, cold the fried, fried stuff. How not to get sakit like that?

  7. Haha! so cute! Like pro the way Joshua drinks the medicine from the cup!!!

  8. wet wet water?? hahaha.. this is a new one.. ok, drink medicine like bottoms up never mind, dont drink beer like water, OK? hehehe..

  9. Smallkucing get drunk or not after the "mocktail"? haha... Glad to know he is better now :-)


  10. Pete

    Already well :D ... it was a few days ago punya cerita.

  11. TZ

    all sugar syrup...of course he syok syok drink...:)

  12. Mummy Gwen

    wakakaka....then next day lagi syok...he went and open the fridge then took out all the med put on table..waiting to drink..I was shocked!

  13. Verone

    yes much better already. Thanks :D

  14. Manglish

    Kiasu ...what also he wanna DBKL 1st :p even med.

  15. Get well soon.....Tkcare !!

  16. Chloe also had CC, minus F, last week.

    Wah, so fun wan, your zen-time. Can bottoms up summore. Aunty salute u lah :) This mocktail no good, hope you won't have to take it again for a long, long time to come!

  17. OOOwhhhh....get well soon!!!

  18. ish ish ish, tak tau sapa ajar bottoms up liddat. Ish ish ish~

  19. hahaha...I thought Mocktail means all meds mix together in one cup!

    Maybe like that also can?

  20. Wah good boy wor! I think he likes the sweetness from the medicine. :)

    Both my kids also, especially Lynn.... treat the medicine like juice...... always ask for more! *pengsan*

  21. like a champion! Good boy. Willing to eat med, than only can recover fast.

  22. LOL! CCF has a brand new meaning! :) Smallkucing get well soon ok! Else cannot eat the OTHER CCF :)

  23. wah so clever boy. pat pat head.
    auntie tuti sick liao. i not brave. never take medicine. ok i am. but too tired to report sick. sounds wrong i know.

  24. I always hate western medicine XP
    Is he capable of swallowing pills now?

  25. WAH!! How I wish you Maine mei mei can drink zen like that!!!! need to use syringe also nevermind la. Need to use sweet to cheat her some more la...

  26. Chloe Mommy

    Hope so hope so coz got CCF kenot eat yogurt and drink nutrigen :p

  27. Chee Yee

    hahaha looks like our kids are the same kaki

  28. Lenglui Witch

    Much better already now. No more fever nor Cold

  29. uLi

    hahahaha not chee cheong fun

  30. Kelvin

    Pill yes...gave him Poh Chai Yin before and he swollow

  31. The horror... dun sply cakap ah, smallkucing... Auntie Cleff most takut is take medicine punya. Not half dead, wun take med punya... anyhow say... ish ish... defamation, tahu? LOL.

  32. The horror... dun sply cakap ah, smallkucing... Auntie Cleff most takut is take medicine punya. Not half dead, wun take med punya... anyhow say... ish ish... defamation, tahu? LOL.

  33. get well soon! speedy recovery!

  34. BBO

    Thanks. Already much better

  35. Auntie Cleff

    Jom la..I feed you med ..wash it down with Nutrigen?

  36. Glad to hear that small kucing feel a lot better now. :)

    Wah, new CCF Mocktail create by small kucing, very creative, but sure not "laku" because no one wish to get sick. hahahha

  37. Annie

    Much better already

    Ya loh kenot open Bar else sure tutup gerai kakakaka

  38. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE29 July 2010 at 20:58

    Nice kid feeding himself & with a good mummy -nothing can go wrong with joshua :)

  39. MRC

    ya need to force feed :p

  40. good to hear that Joshua is getting better; think by now "mang" as tiger liao :-D

  41. Boey Joey

    Ya already tip top condition. Can jump and run everywhere and bully Mamarazzi liao


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