
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 30 July 2010

Spice & Chill Noodle House @ Kota Damansara

Cut hair again...

"Yau Yeng" or not? Handsome or not? Cool leh..So makan what to celebrate?

Wahhhhh...brand new kiddy bowl and cutlery.

This one I like! Very "seng muk". Without needing to request, they already gave me bowl and cutlery. Where are we? We were at Spice & Chill Noodle House at Kota Damansara (The Strand).

As for drinks, Papa had Red Bean while Mamarazzi had Barley. Taste not bad. Just a tad too much sugar. But it's actually up to individual taste. Some like it sweeter.

Mamarazzi ordered Pan Mee Soup. Smells very good and the "Su Chai Choy"(Cakur Manis) very young.

Papa's bowl of Kon Low Pan Mee.

Ngap! The fish ball very bouncy. I like.

As for the Pan Mee? Slurppppeee delicious. Yummy. I can just keep on slurping it all in.

Have heard of Roasted Duck, Roasted Chicken, Roasted Berangan but Roasted Bread???...

Here is the address and opening hours just in case you would like to have a go at the delicious Pan Mee and check out what is Roasted Bread .


  1. is it serve no pork? coz most of the time i hang out with more muslim friends in KL (but sometimes still craves for chinese food...yet dunno where to go for no pork ones..uhuhuu)

  2. Angel Bear

    Unfortunately they have pork I think. The minced meat. Can ask them not to put la...but not sure your friends mind or not.

    You crazy about Char koey Teow or not? The Sister's CKT at USJ is halal one and taste very delicious. I have blogged about it before.

  3. hah...u just reminded me wat to eat when i am back...kon low pan mee hahahaaahha

  4. You know i still prefer noodles at the hawkers rather than those posh pohs noodle house,

    the price is so much cheaper,

    the taste so much better,

    if not enough money, can hutang somemore.

    can ask to add extra ingredients here and there.

    happy weekend

  5. Hmmm... no pork Pan mee... I doubt will be nice. :p

  6. Waaaa.... kepala licin liao. Kekekekeke... eh... roasted bread? Tak pernah dengar. Salah spelling kot?

  7. i think i will go for ngap ngap pan mee later.. droooooooling now..

  8. lol send that to thumbnails again!

  9. pan mee is my favourite.. but kota damansara is not my hang out place.. huhuhu..

  10. Wah...smallkucing so steady one. Not scared of the shaver? Very yao yeng. :)

    My Hubby loves Pan Mee.

  11. cut hair again = botak again?? haha, why mamarazzi don't want smallkucing to have handsome hairstyle??

    eih, that pan mien looks nice leh, feel like having it for lunch later..

  12. hrm.....CKT huh...wokey, put it in my list so next time I can ask my driver to find the place..ahahahahha....

  13. Aiya, cut botak again....must ask mummy to allow to keep hippie hairstyle lah look cool!

  14. Lots of this kind of places over there...usually not bad but I think for this kind of food, the best would be to hit the stalls and the coffee shops. Btw, why don't you try keeping your hair? I think you would look quite handsome... Hehehehe!!!!

  15. wow wow...this one looks good...kota damansara got lots of food ler...

  16. pan mee is my comfort food... can have it anytime anywhere :-D.

  17. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE30 July 2010 at 22:22

    Oh no!! Joshua goes shaolin-monk style again

  18. the first picture.. a really worried look.. thinking if the haircut will turn out fine? :)

  19. Manglish

    Have your list ready :p

  20. Eugene

    Here if ask this and that from hawkers will kena marah lo. Terbalik in posh place they dare not do that.

    Just the other day saw a fruit seller at the roadside scolding a Bangla from tasting the duku and asked RM1 from the Bangla.

  21. TZ

    Depends gua...coz some who are muslim cant eat.

  22. Claire

    LOL...kenot diet la if like that

  23. Auntie Cleff

    botak already lor...kekeke

  24. SuLyn

    Eh..this one not that one "Tahi Style Crispy Prawn" lagi funny

  25. Janice

    Actually there is one nicer at Taman Sri Sentosa ( but portion rather small and also expensive. Taste very good

  26. Mummy Gwen

    He very "ai sui". We kept telling him "Cut hair, hensem boy". He also syok syok la. kakaka

  27. SK

    Coz he is very sweaty boy. Even with hair 1cm long he already sweat like mad. One day bath 3-4 times also like that

  28. Angel Bear

    Ya make sure put in your list. Tarak tipu you one. That CKT is the best Halal CKT in town. Thanks to Pete la who intro it in his blog (

  29. STP

    Kenot keep longer hair now coz he very sweaty boy. Anyway already gave him a "tail" kakaka..

  30. Pete

    Now he need cooling instead of cool :p. Very sweaty one. If he want hippie hairstyle wait till he grows up and nasib him la kekeke

  31. Vialentino

    Ya Kota Damansara is a food hunt place already.

  32. Boey Joey

    When Mamarazzi not well and got bored with poridge, she will go look for Pan Mee or Keoy Teow Soup lo

  33. MRC

    Yup...sholin little ku fung master is on the roam again!

  34. Prince & Princess mum

    Ya loh..beh tahan..too hot

  35. Hi SK, love the dishes. Lee.

  36. Uncle Lee

    SOmetimes simple thing is the best

  37. Shirleen

    No worries as he had it a few times already. The worried face is more of when can see own "hensem" face kakaka

  38. aiseh man! you become Mr. Kojak? hmmmm.......

  39. this place only serve pan meen and "roast" bread? I think they translate direct from chinese that's why become roast instead of toast. hahahhahaha. The price for the toast look reasonable ya?

  40. Annie

    Think so too..siew ngap...siew min pau...Price not that expensive la. Service good also


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