
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 8 July 2010

A Little Bird Sent Me .....Shattered Hearts!

As stated in earlier post, Mr Postman brought 3 things. One was a gift from Wenn. The other two were parcels. From America.

Gosh...who the heck in USA would wanna send me parcels? I wonder...

Like Mommy Ling said..hopefully no monsters will jump out from the parcel.

Opennnn....A book? Who from? Aiks! This one looks familiar. Looks like from A Little Bird that loves berries.

See! Bookcover also wanna put Strawberry! Some more sent two books, not one book.

Apa pasal same title one? Must be the Publishers mixed up. Ter-sent the Little Bird's copy to Mamarazzi.

Now Mamarazzi can hold The Little Bird's copy of book as ransom. Hmm...what shall we demand...Kikisi..Dan Neh Noh....

Woi! Apa pasal tarak autograph one? How Mamarazzi going to Lelong this book in E-Bay after reading it?

Aiya..looks like Mamarazzi have to attend the Book Signing event la. is the synopsis of the story. Maybe After Mamarazzi finish reading the book then Mamarazzi will do a review la. Can't wait...


  1. Sobs... two copy being sent to you? I've been waiting for mine like mad!!! They got everything mixed up? =(

    I'm gonna have to ask my publisher what the hell is going on!

    ps: Mau apa? Kikisi ah? Wokay... comingggg! Apa lagi mau? Curry maukah?

  2. Cilaka ur mamarazzi, wanna sell pulak... keep lah! *SNARL* Wanna sell oso wait til the Little Bird die first lah... ish! Die liao more value ma, usually...tsk tsk tsk... ur Mamarazzi jadi ah long before oso dono this rule ah? ISH!

  3. ahhhhhhh~~~~~ wen is the book signing? remember to take many2 pics of the author of shattered dreams hor and post up AHAHAHAHAHHAHA

  4. mama, i want to line up first for this.. after u, me can ah?

  5. Why? Why she sent mama TWO? Did not even send me ONE? From the USA kah? Wah...she got her book published in the uSA? Hebatnya!!! Hope it sells like hot cakes! Wish her all the best...even though she did not send me one. Tsk! Tsk! LOL!!!

  6. Wow Smallkucing, your mommy happy-lah to have many gifts!


  7. Wah....books from afar!! So nice...

    By the way....the Dragon Star is not bad. Only maybe Fathers' Day so very crowded and it was really a bummer that we had to wait so long for the fish and then at last they told us "no more!"

    But the rest of the food is actually very nice.

  8. Nice cover picture. Wish the fairy book signing session to be a successful one.

  9. Wah publishing 2nd book! And it looks so thick? Poor Small Kucing must be "mou dam hou sek" again when mamarazzi is reading the book. :p

  10. author friend some more. Post up the review soon ya. ;) Lucky lah got 2 books kekeke.

  11. i thought wat shattered heart or something bad happened...duhz...its a book

  12. Cleff

    nasib lor...both are MINE!!!

    what ransom will you be paying?

    Wait for Little Bird to die ah? Still need long time wor. how can Mamarazzi "fast forward" it ah *evil grinz*

  13. Manglish

    Mamarazzi also dont know when is the book signing. Hahaha..if happens you in Msia we can go together and "Chan Yit Lau" lor

  14. STP

    errr...that one you have to ask her lor :P

  15. Ann

    Father's Day everywhere also full house. Maybe true what you've said la. Memang very frustrating, waited for so long then being told "habis"

  16. uLi

    Free book wor...of course Mamarazzi grabbed lor

  17. Chee Yee

    Ya lor very thick. Lucky not hardcover else sure "ten sei kau" LOL

  18. Vialentino

    Something BIG happen lor....kakaka

  19. Mummy Gwen

    Err...hopefully Mamarazzi can finish the book la :p

  20. wah, you very lucky recently hor?? first you have gifts from australia, now you have parcel from USA somemore.. jelesnya~~

  21. SK

    ya lor..real lucky. Like kena lottery. Maybe tomorrow i should go buy lottery. If will then belanja you makan :D

  22. Wow! You so lucky, got two books somemore.

    When is the book signing? Curi curi tell me, let me go and 8. :P

  23. Annie

    Once Mamarazzi got news when and where the venue of book signing , Mamarazzi will curi curi tell you kekeke

  24. Does small kucing understand the story? not fairy tale eh?

  25. Shenny's Mom

    Not fairy tale. More of romance. Can la..can learn to court girls :p

  26. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE9 July 2010 at 22:03

    Hope you enjoy the mix-up, since u r bookworm anyway :-)


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