
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 22 July 2010

Restaurant Lai Yong, Subang Perdana(Updated July 2010)

Have not been to this restaurant for more than 6 months. The last time we were here was November last year. Nothing much changed.

Used to makan at this restaurant nearly every week when Mamarazzi was pregnant with me.

We ordered Claypot Taufu. Taste not bad. Quite a lor of "liu"

Alamak! Mamarazzi "ter-order" their Lotus root soup again ah?

This round the soup taste way too salty for our taste. But this is our personal opinion only la. To others it maybe the perfect soup.

Some green Kangkung for "kambing" . The kangkung was young and sweet. Crunchy.

The waitress kept "marketing" for this dish. Said it's Claypot Chicken. Thus we decided to order a small pot. Result is herbal Chicken. Taste boleh tahan la. Portion quite big. They have half a chicken.

Total bill for 3 adults and 1 kid RM58-60 inclusive of drinks.

Address : No 17 Jalan SP 2/2 Subang Perdana, 40150 Shah Alam, Tel : 0378468826


  1. Looks like home-cooked food.. must be delicious..

  2. Prince & Princess Mum

    Taste not bad la . Only the soup was too salty

  3. Ah! Claypot! Had claypot something for breakfast this morning that was really very nice. Will post on that in a couple of days...

  4. i love food served in claypot.

  5. claypot tau fu, my favourite! I sure will order this dish when eating outside, because my son can 'lou zhap' mah.

  6. Reasonable price.. eh, i tot kangkung is for turtles not kambings? :P

  7. Wai Kitt

    Muhahaha you finally in blogspot ya :D

  8. mNhL

    taste nicer and stay warm longer :D

  9. STP

    Looking forward to your post :D

  10. Claire

    LOL ..kambing also can la :p

  11. uLi

    not bad la the food here. Only the soup too salty. Used to eat here often when pregnant

  12. I just boiled lotus root soup last night..haha.

    Yummy food. Long time never eat herbal chicken already.

  13. Mummy Gwen

    I bet the one you boiled is nicer than this one. Not too salty nor the root lembik

  14. pregnant the time go everyweek? must be really good food.

  15. Ann

    Pregnant that time like craving for certain food lor


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