
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 31 July 2010

eoe Online - The New Generation of Photo Printing

Mamarazzi have been scratching her head for a long time. That's why she is nearly "botak" like me.

Why? Coz she had stored many of my photos and yet to be developed.

The other day, Ah Kong and Ah Mah requested my photographs. Oh no! how ah?

Those you know Mamarazzi will know that she is very L.A.Z.Y. to go comparing which one is the best photo shop/studio and which one will give her best price.

Then the other day she chance upon eoe Online photo printing.It's an online photo printing company. Just need to upload the photos into online album and then submit for printing. Don't worry if the uploading is interupted as they have a system where the uploading will automatic resume.

Mamarazzi being the typical "kiasu" person, of course immediately placed her order. Found that the system is easy to use. As easy as 1-2-3. There are clear step-by-step guide to upload to get your photos printed. I think even I can do it..that if Mamarazzi let me use her laptop.

WOW! They are having promotion. Print 4R photos at 30 sen and 5R for 50 sen. There is no minimum order nor additional charges. And the BEST of all is FREE(ya you read correctly FREE) delivery to our doorstep for order above RM35. Do you know any other shop that gives such GOOD offer? I don't think so.

Payment? Of course have to pay. But very easy. No need to run to the shop and pay. They have the option of payment either by credit card, pay online or bank-in money. Mamarazzi just love this!

Yup..Mamarazzi have just submitted the photos for printing. Hope that we will received the printed photos soon. Will definitely update everyone on the quality of the service later on.


  1. ohhh so good ar....then show me lar when it is printed har hahahah

  2. Wah... so good? Wanna try... see la... go dig dig my ugly photo first. haizz...

  3. Burn on cd...make nice slideshow...and let parents watch on tv...with music. More interesting.

  4. ok.. got lobong again to do "kiasu" and lazy job.. muahhahaha.. ppl like us hoh, no need to grt out of the hse is the best! :)

  5. Now everything delivered to doorstep......can get mail order bride also....LOL!

  6. After seeing your picture suddenly craving for chillys. Should I go or not?

  7. Oh eoe oh? That easy! Cool. tQ for sharing.

  8. hrm.......interesting. will check out this one as soon as I come back from Moroli, Ranau....maybe can take lots of pics there hehehehe~

  9. Great service then!! first time heard of this.. hope you get the photos fast...

  10. Manglish

    that it will arrive before you back to Msia

  11. STP

    Grandparents wanna put the photos on their "hall of fame" wor...all the anak cucu punya photos.

  12. Aunt Cleff

    Ugly photos ah? I thought all vampire very sexy one?

  13. Pete

    Thinking of Mail Order Birde for your son ah? tak sabar wanna drink "sam poh char" is it? :p

  14. Cyn

    ya loh...just sit and need to waste petrol. Good leh

  15. Bananaz

    Good things are for sharing mah..:D

  16. TZ

    Go go go....but don't go to the one at The Empire one. Been there..will post up another day. Food not that great.

  17. Hidayah

    Me too...last round was like 2 years ago. But this round the grandparents said they dont have his photo. Said want photo.

  18. Angel Bear

    hahaha fast fast looking forward to your photos

  19. Ad post?

    I wanna see the photos too^^

  20. very convenient!
    got take mama's botak head or not? :PPP

  21. Claire

    Saw this in several went and 88. Seems they having good offer thus try it out lor

  22. Kelvin

    Bump into this thru several blogs. They sort of having offer for bloggers. Thus sharing the good news with friends and also help to advertise for them lo

  23. Tuti

    of course dont have ...if not sure Mamarazzi cekik me hahaha

  24. Senang la like this! I also wanna do online and 1 shot print all Maine's photos

  25. Agnes

    senang leh...some more if order RM35 will get free delivery need to pening on parking and etc

  26. ahh yes!squeals! I'm gonna go print mine too !

  27. I printed from them before.... quality ok la, acceptable. :)

  28. Beii

    fast fast print Jasper's cute photos

  29. Mummy Gwen

    Ya lo..delay so long already...More than 1 year..LOL

  30. Chee Yee

    Good...hope mine will be good also :D

  31. I heard this company before but till today not yet send in cos lazy..hahaha..But i know is relatively convenient as everything just done with a few clicks.

  32. Mommy Ling

    same like Mamarazzi la...lazy so long already..kena kick baru wanna move


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