
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Minions- Is it Worth the Chase?

Yay! Mamarazzi managed to get two Minions for me last week.'s the Minions Craze ..Heard there were people start queueing up since 12am.

These two are the Minions that Mamarazzi got me last week. I know I know many people doesn't like the purple minions. Looks ugly but for me I love the purple minion better

Coz I can change its hairstyle. Told Mamarazzi "look! he looks like girl girl hairstyle". Mamarazzi was thinking where the heck did I got the idea ah. I got it looking at Mamarazzi morning "face" lah vast imagination ma!

Mamarazzi starting to think it worth it chasing these Minions...Last week, Tom Googly Eye Grabber...the one we got, the seams was not closed properly"

Unpainted white spot at the soles of Evil Minion Chomper.

Same goes for week one. The seam of Tim Giggling was not joined properly. 

The paint was not painted well. There are spots yellow. All these is before me playing with them. It was like that when I took out from the plastic wrapper.

Mamarazzi is wondering is it our bad luck that the minions we got have these kind of shoddy workmanship while the rest of the batch are okay or what...?

Usually the toys that come with  McDonald's Happy Meal are of very good quality but why this round so much different? Are we jinxed and so coincidentally got the discolored and uneven Minions??   

Hmmm.....admiring what I have in hand as I don't know whether Mamarazzi would get me the other two Minions tomorrow.


  1. the other set is coming out this Thursday... I don't feel like continue to grab the minions. Maybe i should sell mine in eBay. Anyone?

    1. Saw original minions rm200 for one set in FB. Lol

  2. First there was hello kitty and now there was these minions! 1 month later can found at the dust bins or collect

  3. I used to do that last time but not anymore as my kids have grown up!

  4. Since Small Kucing can play with the minion toys I think they are worth the chase. At last I thought of collecting too but then I miss the first 3 so no point collecting if the set is incomplete.

  5. What will they think of next to make our kids beg for? I never heard of Minions but then I don't have small kids either.

    1. Cinemas are showing the movie hence people are excited

  6. There is always something the kids just have to have, huh. I need to get them crazy about my new book;)

    1. Lol....come come show me your book. I'll gp crazy over it

  7. Purple is my favorite color but certainly not this minion. Come to think of it never purchased any toys before in McD or any other fast food chain for my daughter guess she is not keen at all.

  8. Made in China...

    1. i guess you can find a lot of "made in china" at home too.. :p

    2. Now China very industrialised lor. Nearly everything under the sun is made in china

    3. Aiyor, yalah... everything also Made in China.

      Quality may be different, depending on how much is paid to manufacture the items.

      If McD wanna save cost and pay less, of course quality menjunam la. Otherwise, can be good.

    4. I wonder those going to UK and USA will have the same quality or not

  9. yes, i have to agree that i am very disappointed with the quality of the minions.. McD toys have always been good quality, but this batch is totally disappointing with the lousy finishing as well as gaps between parts..

    1. Yea usually very good quality . I look love mcd toys. Guess we bad luck gua

    2. Usually it's the other jual ayam fast food place yang sell not good quality products, right? hehehe

      Lucky I'm not into Minions. So not disappointed. ;P

    3. betul lo...usually McD toys are good quality

  10. yet, many still collecting the toys.. OMG, it's the day of the week again tomorrow.. everyone will go crazy for the McD Happy Meals just for the toys.. and some selfish people buying in blocks to be resell online later to earn profit.. despise those act!!!

    1. Can't say selfish la coz business minded la. Am surprised nobody come out with pirated minions yet. Usually those pirates very fast. That baru can say "jual ikan" voz others susah susah come out with invention and they pirate

  11. hahaha, i actually do not like the purple mutated minions.. but after looking at the new makeover by small kucing, i think it's rather cute instead!! i had a great laugh.. and sure he did that because he was inspired by the out-of-bed mamarazzi everyday?? geez~~

    1. Must be cetak rompak from mamarazzi morning look

  12. anyway, already collected some of them, i think might as well lah.. i will get the two single-eyed minion Stuart (yes, that's his name), which i like most among all.. now a bit stress lah, so worry by the time i am at McD tomorrow, they tell me it's all sold out~~ :(

    1. Tmw is singke eye one ah...see la if got luck then buy lor

  13. i've also asked my friends in UK and US to get me those not available in Asia.. i hope they are of better quality, but then better not put too high hope, because probably it's the same manufacturer they use for the global distribution.. so ended up, they are all the same lousy quality..

    1. Maybe UK n US is stricter? The toys have to pass certain quality baru can be sold

  14. Last Thur evening, i saw in McDonald still have, Fri went, wanna try my luck, no more liao...

  15. Hahah! Luckily my kids not into Minions (yet) or I would sure faint queueing for them..... Lol!

  16. Didn't manage to get the Tom Google. Finished jor..Can go sleep edy. The craze is getting too much...ahhahah

  17. I only buy Hello Kitty toys from McD. Others, tak minat :p I didn't expect these Minions to be such a big hit!

    1. Big hit till the McD door at Perangin Mall also roboh leh

  18. How come we went McD last weekend no more dy. Gwen hates the minions ler.

    1. Coz it finished the first few hours it was release. Thurdays

  19. wah.... over here sold out pretty fast. How did u managed to get so many of them !

    Anyway, not really crazy over them. My kids prefer the purple ones too. haha...

  20. Lucky you being able to get that many minions. The lady at the outlet I went to said all theirs sold out the first two days!

    1. first two days? Some first few hours already sold out

  21. There's no explanation for some things that happens. You were just given what you received. I don't believe so much on jinx or luck, than life becomes very complicated. The toys are a cute and some are crazy over it. Those days when I was longer I too used to collect such things but the crowd was not so crazy. Nowadays, I seldom eat anything from McDonalds, maybe 3 months once a burger.

    1. Yeah.....hard to say sometimes why certain toys become a hit

  22. well i've been seeing such toy lately
    but this is the first i've read a detailed
    review regarding it and you did a great job

    1. hahaha then you should hop over to sk blog

  23. it really has a lot of flaws huh
    perhaps the demand is too high that
    the production wasn't really strict with the

    1. But usually their toys are good quality. Dunno why this round like this

  24. anyway i kinda like the purple minions too
    and yeah it's because of the hair too

  25. have a great day and happy blogging small kucing
    take the best of care and god bless you

  26. oh oh... when i see these minions, it reminded me of something I didnt do for my son.. really a Big oppss...

  27. I guess this is the impact of mass production.

    1. but usually McD toys also produce in bulk . WHy this time standard dropped

  28. There're so cute!!! I like it!!! =]

  29. I never watch the movie and don't know who is Minions >.<


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