
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 21 March 2011

WE ARE NOTHING by Namewee/KarenKong 四大皆空 黃明志/龔柯允

Mamarazzi saw this song being posted everywhere in Facebook and would like to share it with you.

Some may chose to close this window once they see the name "Namewee" as they might not liked his previous songs. STOP! Give this song a chance. Read the lyrics.

No matter how rich or how successful we got to be, in the end "We're nothing at all. We've got nothing at all
". We will still have to leave everything behind when we go. If that is the case, why not leave behind a better world for the future generation...assuming there will be anything to leave them with.

Monday being the start of the week, lets try and make this a better world.


  1. Glamor and stuff is just temporary... dono why some ppl likes to show off oni...all these things cannot last forever.

  2. Auntie Cleff

    I think he is trying to say treat the Earth better. It's our only home. Not to be too engross in money making till it jeopardise Earth.

  3. honestly, no matter what ppl say about Namewee, I had to admit that he is quite a talented musician.

  4. wow..touching lyrics although it play in hip hop music but the intro is really touching.. love the line " wake up ya'll this is a wake up call" something.. yeah..tragedy happen not just for a reasons..but it a sign to open our eyes.. too see far beyond the surface..there is a hidden message.. =) thanks mamarazzi for sharing this vids

  5. Saw lots of people sharing on Facebook, not bothered to click. Don't like that guy, very rude.

  6. yes it's true & hopefully people got the message!


  7. Very nice song. And what it says is very true also.

  8. wasn't interested with this song until i saw the name of Karen Kong.. and then i know this should be a "proper" song already, haha.. :p

  9. Later i go home and watch...

  10. I agree, in the end it will be ashes to ashed,dust to dust........

    But as long as we are here on earth, do spread loads of joy to others,,,,

  11. Nice video clip, like is rap and the meaning behind the song.

  12. When i see this posting , it give me chance here to BLAST-OFF those arrogant people at my workplace - it can be all kind of race & really some of then never "don't see coffin, will never shed tear" (canto saying) coz they're too high & mighty for now

  13. Angel Bear

    True. Talented and when he tembak really tembak one

  14. Mars Mell-o

    Glad you like the video

  15. STP

    But gotta hand it to him what he tembak in his song are real case scenario. It's happening now.

  16. SK

    aiks...see lenglui name then click on the song ya. hahaha.

  17. Eugene

    Too bad Santa Clause not working 365 days

  18. MRC

    Blast off here also no use as your colleague also tarak know this tiny blog hahaha.

    Sometimes we tend to chase after something till we forget what is the consequence.

  19. Like Namewee's outspoken-ness!

  20. Interesting! thank you for sharing. =)

  21. well said about living behind.

  22. A nice song....and nice lyrics too. How sad to see those natural disaster destroying the earth.

  23. mNhL

    Don't know whether this is what Chinese call " 9 continents submerged, 7 continents arise".


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