
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 18 March 2011

Bargain Bin At BookXcess

Papa brought me to BookXcess just now...or rather yesterday evening since it's midnight now.

Mamarazzi really went mad at BookXcess wor. Retail therapy kot? She saw the Bargain Bin this round is full of great books. From the looks of it, some books are from the Big Bad Wolf Sale punya leh. Nice Nice book some more.

While Mamarazzi busy digging at the Bargain Bin, I dig at the Kids Section. Fuiyo....I found Chuggington books. RM22+ selling for RM9-90 only leh. Apalagi...of course la grab some.

Okay...time to sleep. Will ask Mamarazzi to upload the photos when she is free. Nite nite.


  1. Wah, gonna go grab some for sure!

  2. Eh? Auntie bring Auntie's daddy go thee oso on same day. Aisayy... tarak tau u oso go, else can go lepak lepak tgt. Auntie's daddy oso borong so many buku... entah bila he wanna baca...everytime buy, he read half way oni.... hahahaha!

  3. Ha...looks like the book is bigger than small kucing.

  4. have not been to BookXcess for a long time already, infact hardly find time and mood to read after switching to the new job..

  5. OMG, only RM9.90!!? That's cheap, hardcover some more!? That's really a bargain! LOL, my saliva dripping already!

  6. Got sales again? Long time din go BX liao. Looks like it's time for us to make a trip there...

  7. rajinya dia baca buku bila besar nanti mesti jadi budak yang sangat pandai..=D

  8. take care about your sore throat and thanks for the great comments.

  9. Auntie Cleff

    Dont wanna fren you ady. Go BX tarak bring me. Sobs. where is my McD? McD got toy car promotion now :(

  10. Shenny's Mommy

    Soon I will be bigger than the book :D

  11. SK

    So stressful ah the new job? More responsibility ya? Maybe can drop by BX to get some comedy type of books to de-stress lo

  12. Alice

    Go la...Mamarazzi open the bok already. Good quality. Haiyo...come back Mamarazzi baru saw in BX FB got harcover pooh bear book rm5-90 :(

  13. Chloe's Mommy

    Tarak sales la. Now BX have Bargain Bin mah. For how long duriation I tak tau la. But this round saw the books there very good selection. Ngum Mamarazzi.

  14. Mars Mell-o

    either budak pandai or budak jahat lor

  15. Oh LOTS of books! Lovely! You are going to be quite busy for a long time!

  16. eh veryyy cheap ehh>< i never been there before hmn..

  17. I_am_Tulsa

    Mamarazzi can read very fast one leh

  18. Domokun

    It's like "heaven" if you love books


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