
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Coconut Jelly at Kanna Curry House

Can you guess what birthday boy(Papa) crave about on his birthday morning?Roti Canai from Kanna Curry House! Well, we didn't get to Kanna that morning. But we managed to go in the afternoon.

 Needless to say Papa managed to get his Roti Canai and on top of it Papa got these "donuts"

Ciak! can become glasses Mamarazzi call these Vadaay Donuts. Don't really know what's the proper name for these.

Mamarazzi and me had Air Kelapa Tua. Why tua? Coz the Coconut very old leh. The isi was very hard and thick.

Papa asked the Boss tarak Kelapa Muda ka? 

 The Boss recommend this one for me. Coconut Jelly. Not cheap oh..RM4 something.

Taste? Yummy. The jelly was very wobbly and nice. The Coconut isi was young too. Love it.


  1. I love coconut jelly =D yummy2

  2. Yet to try those Indian delicacies... We only have those kuih dhall here, made by Malays though...and an Indian colleague once gave me some of the Indian sweets to try - not that great though.

  3. mamarazzi invited to join the contest at my blog organize by on the pictures to go through her blog..

    I love red contest

    lil boy can wear red and snap the lil boy pic ya hehe..

  4. ho chiak. i like air kelapa muda too.

  5. Yummm, if the isi is young will be goooood!

  6. I am a fan of vadday too...minus those bits of dried chillies inside.

  7. You like those Taufu far flesh coconut, it's pretty cheap at Songkla Thailand! If you got to visit Thai, don't miss ya!

    Old coconut juice baru sweet mar?;D

  8. Mars Mell-o

    taste good right :D

  9. STP

    Next time you stay KL longer we can go Kanna. Food is good there.

  10. Yang Yang

    You still baby, dont drink so much of this ya. Your Mommy too. Wait a few more month baru drink, ok :D

  11. Yee Ling

    This one isi was tough. That's why Papa asked the boss got "younger" one or not lo. Boss suggested coconut jelly

  12. Leona

    In SS3 pasar mlm there is one indian stall selling very tasty vaday. But they put cilipadi inside LOL

  13. Alice Law

    never had those before wor...hmmm....sound delicious ....gotta bodek Papa go there..

  14. been here a few times, try the curries here, quite superb.

  15. Lately very "heng" this coconut jelly. Just recently, I tried it for the first time too. Nice! :)

  16. I have eaten one coconut jelly too, but it was when I visited one of my aunty's house. She bought it becos it was so tasty. She bought it from one CHinese restaurant when they all go out for CNY dinner.

  17. ya ya ya.. i like that "donut", they taste really good!!! i once asked the stall owner what it's called, but forgotten already lah~~

  18. Nava

    we went there quite frequently. Taste good.

  19. Chloe's Mommy

    very cooling. yum yum

  20. Alice Phua

    Now have to find out how to make coconut jelly :D

  21. SK

    LOL...same here...the worker got tell the name but lupa already :P

  22. wah...papa have such a simple wish on his b'day....only want roti canai!

    My hubby loves those donuts...but i felt it has a weird taste.

  23. mNhL

    Duno why Papa woke up with a craving for Kanna Roti Cannai

  24. Hi Small Kucing,

    I'm a Malaysian student based in the UK (your visitor from Edwalton, England). I came across this post of your's because I was looking to show my friend the coconut jelly from Kanna Curry House which I love and miss very much.

    We then explored your blog together and found the idea a diary-type blog very cool! Especially the fact that your parents started it since you were little. Here we are writing a comment to give you our full support 😸😸

    We look forward to reading more of your posts, all the best!

    Your newest subscribers


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