
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 4 March 2011

A Short Trip to SS2 Mall.

The other day we had some time to spend. We were somewhere nearby SS2 and Mamarazzi suggested we pay a visit to SS2 Mall. Saw a few bloggers have blogged about this place.

 Wow..from outside it looked small. But inside is really big. Not many shops open yet.

 Spotted this Pet Shop at Ground Floor. snake wor.

Then Mamarazzi spotted this shop. Hmm....funny name for a shop. Mamarazzi wondered if the owner know what will happen if an "i" is added into the name.

We chance upon this Thai Fair at the entrance of the Mall. Not sure whether it's a permanent thing or just for a certain period only. much food. And it was not expensive at all. There are some stall selling dress also.

I saw this Uncle making something. Looks yummy. Mamarazzi saw they have Kerabu Mango. Apalagi...of course she tapau-ed some.

There are a lot of makan place opened here already. It's a good time to try out the makan place here. Moreover, currently the parking of free. Ample parking bays available. Not sure about this in a few months time though.


  1. thai style kerabu mango......uhuhuhuh.....will put this place in my list =p

  2. I love browsing at those Thai fairs. Some, can go for massage also...

  3. i get a haircut over here jor cos the saloon i used to go shifted over here. Havent been walking around the mall since nothing much in it.

  4. Yes, I saw this mall too before when passing by that area, but that time the mall hasn;t started yet. Yeah, one day must propose to hubby to bring there.

  5. Nice place, most important free parking! Wah, kerabu mango, I also keen to dapau!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Not been there. It's quite new, isn't it?


  7. Go beli the kerabu mango... sedappp!

  8. I want to go for the Thai Fair :P

  9. I memang tak ada tahu ada this mall woh! must go look for this mall one day.

  10. Ahhh, got new mall there meh...he he he, I dinosour liao!

  11. Thai fares are quite common these days at shopping complex and the food they sell is pretty reasonable.

  12. Where about in SS2 ar? We pass by there so often yet I've never seen that building...

  13. ANgel Bear but Mamarazzi not sure it's permenantly there or not leh

  14. Yee Ling

    still very new hor...but got Times Book store LOL...

  15. ALice Phua

    wait a bit first la coz many shop still yet to open. But a lot of makan place there

  16. Alice Law

    Free parking temporary aje. If a lot of ppl go, famous already sure charge

  17. Auntie Cleff

    already masuk perut la

  18. Choi Yen

    better fast. Not sure they will be there long or not

  19. Wai Kitt

    it's near Kanna Curry hse

  20. Pete

    got...the built it on old Restaurant Paris site

  21. Nava

    haiz..when Mamarazzi wanna looks kenot find one...happy this round found

  22. Chloe's Mommy.

    U know The New Paris Restaurant and Tuan Ee's Restaurant? got a bridal shop at the corner punya. The mall is along that road.

    or if u r coming from Sect 14, sampai Rothman roundabout, take a 12'o'clock. Go straight End of the road u will see the mall on your left

  23. wah the mall look huge le! more shopping malls for KL ppl :) south city always have tis Thai stalls, i just had tomyam mee ystd, sluuuurrrp!

  24. Thanks for the directions. Yesterday we saw the mall's big sign at the Rothmans roundabout so we know where already :) Rupa2nya it's hidden inside there... we seldom go that way.

  25. this is another new shopping mall. Quite sometime ago passed by this place, saw the big signboard, but didn't go in and check out the place.

  26. a new mall in SS2! So long did not go to that area i missed KL life.

  27. mNhL

    drop by when you have the time lo


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