
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 2 March 2011

A Card For Elijah

Last month, we did not have big big celebration for my birthday. But I had a good time coz Papa and Mamarazzi were there with me. Many people send and gave me pressie.

This month, Kor Kor Elijah will be having his birthday on 30th March. Other kids (and most of the time adults too) would have wanted to have a lot of gifts. But this Kor Kor is different. He only wants A Birthday Card.

His full story is here
Could you help us to make his dream come true? Please send him a Birthday Card. Everyone needs a rainbow sometimes.

Thank you


  1. thank you smallkucing! Let's hope there will be lots of caring people out there for Elijah! =)

  2. Wokay...will spare a lil time to get a card post to him

  3. Ok, will do...

  4. How nice of you to do this for your kor kor. I will send him a birthday card:D

  5. Wow, this is a sweet post, It'd be my pleasure to drop him a Birthday card... probably a belated one!:)

    Re the blinking HTML, just type:

    small kucing

    Have fun and thanks for the heart warming post!

  6. Esok, after auntie's checkup,. auntie go buy bday card at the souvinir shop at hospital... den put ur name and mamarazzi name there oso, can? Sumbat 3 ppl name there... who else wanna tumpang?

  7. Belated Happy Birthday to you Joshua...glad that u enjoy your birthday with papa and mama :)

    Will try to remember Elijah's birthday and send him a card :)

  8. Angel Bear

    You are most welcomed. Let's hope he will received a lot of cards. Will be sending him one too as soon as able.

  9. Yee Ling

    thank you thank you :D

  10. Quay Po Cooks

    It's Angel Bear who is the caring and thoughtful one. She started this. I just help to spread the word


  11. Alice Law

    OOoo...thank you for the tips and thank you for sending Eilijah a card :D

  12. AUntie Cleff

    satu orang satu baru syok mah. And thank you for your help wor :D

  13. Elin

    thank you. Am sure Elijah will be delighted to received a card from you :D

  14. Happy belated birthday to both Small Kucing and his Paparazzi! Yes, I have hopped over to Elijah's blog.

  15. Auntie posted one on your behalf liao... just now got pass by post office. Bought 3 cards... one is under ur name and ur dear's name. The other two is on behalf of Mommy Yen and Alien kor kor.

  16. mamarazzi you have been tag at my blog :D check my new post thanks

  17. yeah, sometimes i think birthday cards are sweet too.. imagine everyone giving you a birthday card, that's something very exciting right?? :)

  18. Alice Phua

    thanks and if have the time, do drop a card to Elijah

  19. Auntie Clef u sakit till blur sotong sure it's bday card or not? Later ter-send "Congratulation on your newborn" Card :p. Postage enough stamps or not?hehehehe

  20. SK

    yup would be exciting. Would you drop him a card too, pls.

  21. Ooh sending birthday card for this boy ke.... Okok, noted and will do. :) I'm sure it will be one of the unforgettable birthday for Elijah. Hehe.


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