
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 27 March 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-Jesus Is Lost

It's nighttime again. Time to sleep and time for bedtime story from Enid Blyton's The children's Life of Christ again.

Last week Mamarazzi stopped at Jesus and his parents going to the Holy City of Jerusalem.  They had to walk there and it was a wonderful walk. Nighttime they would camp at the road side.

Soon they arrived at the city. Jesus was very excited. It was happy days for Jesus for he was taken to the Holy Temple. He was made a Disciple of the Law and the Holy Wise Men told him he must keep the law as what his parents did.

Pretty soon. the Feast was over and everyone packed up to back to their home. So did Joseph and Mary. The whole group started to walk home.

Joseph and Mary did not see Jesus the whole day. They thought he was with his friends.

Then comes night fall. They still could not locate Jesus. They asked around and nobody seems to  have seen Jesus the whole day. Joseph and Mary felt very anxious and the decided to turn back to the Holy City to look for Jesus.

They search for 3 days in the Holy City for Jesus and could not find him. They were extremely worried. Then Mary had and idea. Maybe Jesus is in the Holy Temple coz he loves to go there.

Yup....naughty boy ..he was at the Holy Temple. Didn't tell Joseph and Mary. Made them worried.

He was busy asking questions and answering questions from the Wise Men. The Wise Men were very impressed with Jesus grasp of the laws and the questions which he asked them made them think very hard.

Then he noticed Joseph and Mary. Mary rushed to him and hugged him. She told him that they have been looking everywhere for him and were very worried.

Jesus was surprised that they didn't know where he was. Didn't they realised that he would be in God's Temple, his Father's House, learning things about Him that he should learn? Mary could not quite understand what he meant but she was sure relief that they have found him.

They went home together and during the journey Jesus told them the questions he asked the Wise Men and their answers. Mary listened and stored away the said in her mind.

 Yesterday, STEEST asked Mamarazzi if she have The Land of Far Beyond book by Enid Blyton. Yes, she does. It's one of her favourite books too.


  1. Budak running off on their own and getting lost, these days can be very very dangerous. Lots of sick people out there...

  2. good sharing about god, I believe this is important in life.

  3. STP

    Scary with all the kidnappings and stuffs like that

  4. sleeping beauty '"male version" waiting for princess to give him good nite kiss on cheeks =P

  5. Mars Mell-o

    Your kiss is better :D

  6. Wahhh, this book oso mamarazzi have! So nice! Now ebay lelong dono how much liao!

  7. Cleffairy

    Mamarazzi saw it was like $50.


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