
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 19 March 2011

Help! There Are Baby Elephants In BookXcess!

I kid you not. See! even baby elephants goes to BookXcess. Wah lau eh...BX getting more and more famous already lo.

To continue yesterday's story...I found this wipe clean activity book. RM7-90 only leh.

Mamarazzi also got me these two Chuggington's books. Got number 2 and 3 only. Can't find number 1 and 4. Kira okay la since it's not continuous story. Inside each book there are 40 stickers.

Mamarazzi also bought this "Thomas and Friends Dictionary" for me. It's a talking dictionary in English and Spanish. There are words in the book. I have to follow the words and press the letters. Then I just need to press English and the book would tell me how the word sound like. And if I press "definition" it would tell me the definition. 

I like the word "Apple". Kept ask Mamarazzi to show me how to press "apple" coz at the definition, there is chomping sound. Ngap ngap ngap.

Price? RM24-90. Not bad extra 10% discount some more leh coz purchase above RM150.

Meantime Mamarazzi dug up these books from the Bargain Bin. RM5 each. The Nightmare In The Sun is hardcover some  more leh!

This one also from the Bargain Bin RM8. Hardcover. Mamarazzi said sound like an exciting book. About Hong Kong punya. You probably know Mamarazzi gila a bout all those stuff...story about Asian country and writers.

 Then she went to the Bargain books section. Saw this book. Looks very Asian hor? Hentam la RM9-90 wor. Worth to take a risk.

 Mamarazzi saw someone recommend this author in BX's Facebook. The cover not very attractive but the price is low enough for her to take a risk. Hope it's good.

Another book bought based on recommendation from BX's fans in Facebook. Said Alexandra Potter's books are good wor.
Another "full price" book. Full price in view of BX usual price la. Not compared to outside. Let's hope this is a good book else the kedekut Mamarazzi will sakit hati lor.

Noticed what is printed in the receipt? "Between The Ass". The receipt is for the above book.Wooooo...I wonder how Mamarazzi going to answer to the IRB if they see this receipt. What will they think of Mamarazzi? It would be fun to see.

Last but not least, tarak tau what book is this. Saja hentam buy coz it's Purchase With Purchase offer. RM9-90 only. There were some other books for PWP offer but it's not suitable for Mamarazzi.

Overall, yesterday both Mamarazzi and me got quite a good catch of books. Hope to see you again next month, BX.


  1. Wow, what a fruitful book loots! RM5 for hardcover, dai dou lan lar(worth it)!

    Too bad, this week overspent on books liao(during popular sale), else sure grab some children books for the little ones!

  2. The elephants look hard and uncomfortable. Should put nice comfy chairs for people to read...

  3. Good deal in BX..would be like carry a baby elephant home with so many books.

  4. plenty to read with the many books in hand.

  5. i read that alexandra potter book, didn't really like it, but my friend loved it. can't wait for your review over at mama kucing meow. ;)

  6. alice

    Very dai lo. Mamarazzi saw the books there not bad leh. Not junk sort of books. Some very good fiction and they put in the bargain bin. My guess is maybe it left 1 or 2 copies only that's why it's in bargain bin

  7. STP

    Maybe that is the purpose mah. Comfy chair, you will sit there and read and read and read till habis whole book. Then tarak buy wor. How la?

    Maybe that's why Borders in oversea ahem ahem liao

  8. Bananaz

    How I wish can carry the Baby Elephant home. People say elephant brings good luck wor. But too heavy la. Cant carry

  9. Nava

    There are never too many books..same as money is never enough

  10. nylusmilk

    hmmm.... :( hope it is nice for Mamarazzi lo.

  11. I've been there and the books are really cheap! :O

  12. Hilda

    Really happy lor. And good place to get gifts for friend coz they provide free gift wrapping

  13. Wuahh you bought so many books.

    I've no time to read now. :(

  14. Che-Cheh

    Kiasu punya pasal lo...hahaha

  15. I like the wipe clean activity book. Nice!

  16. Yee Ling

    I think they still have plenty of this. Can go there and masuk stock

  17. ya, heard so much about BookXcess! But till now i have not been there, pengsan tak?

    Should really make a trip there soon.

  18. Annie

    Hopefuly when you get there you wont turn into "borong monster" like Mamarazzi. She had turned a few people into "borong Monsters" already. Ask Auntie Cleff and AUntie Chee Yee

  19. Wah bought so many books! I went to BX early of the month. Stupid me forgot to use my voucher. >.< Plan to go there again this weekend coz the voucher valid till this month end. Hopefully the kids have recovered by then.

  20. Chee Yee

    Haiyo...then fast fast go lo. Now a lot of kids book


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