
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 14 March 2011

Tony Roma, Sunway Pyramid

I love these western restaurant. They always give kids like me something to entertain myself on.

 The drink....very refreshing...specially with the mint leaves.

I had their Kids Meal that comes with "Starter" Celery and Carrot Sticks

I think I can.....Here goes....Sumbat both in!

 Wa...."loti" so BIG.

 Dip dip in sour creme. Sedap leh. Much better than put butter.

 My fancy name Spaghetti. Not bad. I shared this with Papa.

Papa said he is on diet wor. He ate Caesar Salad enough wor. But then naughty Mamarazzi also curi-ed some to eat.

He also order Fried Mushroom. Hmm ..terkejut besar coz the portion was HUGE!. Tak habis makan. End up having to tapau this home. But one thing for sure, it was very tasty. Must order some more of this next time.

Mamarazzi had the Wagyu Steak. Said super juicy and super yummy. The price also very "super". Worth it la. Bukan makan selalu mah.

As usual, I curi-ed mamarazzi cob of corn to eat. Must be Cameron Highland Sweet corn coz it's super sweet.

My Kids Meal also include Ice Cream. Apa lagi...makan aje la. Rezeki jangan ditolak. Yum yum.

Haiz....hope we can go Tony Roma again soon...


  1. i love their baked potato soup. they serve it with thin slices of biscuits that are so yummy even on their own! i usually ask them to give me extra packets of biscuits, then i take home and makan kakaka. they garnish the soup with cheese shavings and bacon bits, so if you don't eat bacon must inform them.

    go to places like tony roma's, friday's, chili's and italiannies all very sedap and very mahal! have you been to this restaurant called delicious? they have excellent desserts! there's one at 1utama and bangsar village.

  2. Auntie's daddy oso got bawak auntie baham at Tony Roma last mth. But we ordered the rib rack... walao... kenot habis... all food at Tony Roma semua big big portion!

  3. I've heard so much about the place...from Singapore last time, now KL...but I've never managed to drop by and eat at one of the outlets. Maybe this time...when I go to Penang. They have there, I think...

  4. I dont think I've eaten at Tony Roma b4. :P

  5. haih...make me hungry so early this morning! but the steak and pasta really look sedapppp....

  6. I always go for the ribs at Tony Romas. The wagyu steak looks superb...drooling already. Next time I will order the fried mushroom coz Gwen likes to eat mushrooms. :)

  7. Their food really big in portion, I also can't finish when my last visit >.<

  8. Wow, nice to see your post on Tony Roma. I've always passed by the eatery but never visited it yet. The food should be similar to Italiannies, or TGIF right?

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. wow lil boy everyday also makan yang sedap-sedap one, if me sure cant tahan haha..yat yat sik hou dou cheng kan ngo fei mui cho.. hehe lucky lil boy makan banyak macam mana pun always maintain macho! =D

  10. I've only been to Tony Roma's once - not a place to go by yourself lah.

    Btw, if I was on a diet, I wouldn't exactly order the Caesar salad cos the dressing is not that healthy, but it's still delicious, so *thumbs up*


  11. nom3, but will burn deep hole la if eat there... huhu...

  12. Doctor asked Paparazzi to go on diet kah? Another restaurant that also gives things for kids to entertain themselves is Lobsterman at SS2. By the way, just few days ago, hubby and I passed by Tony Roma at Midvalley and he said one day must try. I hope he keeps his word! ^_^

  13. I never dine here.. looks yummy!

  14. been here a couple of times, nothing to shout about but its acceptable.

  15. yeah, i love tony roma's.. but too bad, they don't have pork ribs here :p

  16. oh my! I went to this restaurant it! Next time must order the fried mushroom...look so yummy!

  17. The free kiddy meal is very "dai" right? The portion is big enough for an adult.

  18. Tony Roma famous for their ribs. Next round you should try their ribs, it is good.

  19. nylusmilk time must order the Baked Potato Soup. Didnt know pulak can as for extra pkt of biscuits. The fried mushroom really sedap.

    Hmm...tak pernah dengar Delicious wor. Must go and see. know so many good places to makan. Should make a food blog la. Then I can see where to makan lo

  20. AUntie Cleff

    you eat like a bird of course cannot finish la. Next time ask your dad to bring me to makan la. No need bring you. Bring you rugi oh if makan buffet

  21. STP

    Penang ah? Must ask expert Eugene and see

  22. Mummy Gwen

    Ribs enough meat on them ka? wokay will try ribs next time

  23. Choi Yen

    hahaha....let's home Tony Romas people dont see this post else they might consider reducing the portion LOL

  24. Isaac

    yup similar to Chillies and TGIF

  25. Mars Mell-o

    fei mui cho more to love more to hold mah :D

  26. synical

    That place best go in pairs or with friend and family. More fun :D

  27. Goldflower

    once in awhile okay mah

  28. ALice

    Lobsterman sedap ka? if sedap, must go and try

  29. Prince and princess mum

    nice place to dine

  30. Nava

    Nice place la. Food and service good.

  31. SK

    Pork ribs ah...have to go Indonesia. They have it there

  32. mNhL

    portion of the fried mushroom really big oh. Yumm

  33. Annie

    Mamarazzi's fault la...saw the photo of the ribs like not much meat. Scared not kenyang wor.

  34. Yum Yum the caesar salad and the fried mushroom!!! *Drooling*

  35. Chee Yee

    They fried mushroom really yummy

  36. mama kucing, i don't know that many lah, you know more. just that i like to makan those western food restaurant type more i guess hehe. at places like tr, friday's chili's bubba gump etc. don't be shy to ask for more gravy or biscuit or anything, they're usually quite obliging. some more they charge service tax so mahal, must picit cukup cukup lah. :P oh also if you go these places during your birthday they will serve you a complimentary slice of cake, but you have to tahan they all sing bday song to you in front of the whole restaurant, maybe ask you to stand up on the chair also! haha.

  37. nylusmilk

    Didnt know the extra biscuit is FOC. Now Secret Recipi even charge 50sen for the plain water. Next time will ask for more biscuit coz TR gave 1pkt only last time. Not enough.

    Yup...kena the birthday song before at TGIF. Now Chilis also doing the same thing. shy....

  38. Check out "Jom create blogger gathering at Tony Roma's! One cup hot .." from #Innit

  39. Ms & Mr Red Ribbons

    Thanks for the info :D


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