
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Muzie Corner, K. Trengganu(Behind Grand Continental Hotel)

Don't know why when in Ah Mah's house, I makan so much also can feel hungry one. Eat one whole plate of rice like not full punya. Mamarazzi said maybe coz I run here and there a lot.

We went to Muzie Corner which is located behind Grand Continental Hotel, Jalan Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Trengganu.

Papa and Mamarazzi came to this stall before back in 2009. Used to be called Zie's Corner but now changed name.Maybe change ownership?

Nice place. Got sea breeze and rather quiet.

 What's that? so foamy one.

 My hot Milo. Gotta have something warm coz the sea breeze rather cold. Mamarazzi forgot to bring long sleeve baju for me.

 Uh...I wanna try this...Teh Tarik. 

 This is either Nasi Goreng Kampung or Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin.

Cannot differentiate coz both looks the same. CNY eat ikan masin? Some people will say "Pantang oh.."

Sotong Goreng Tepung. Haiyo! another "pantang". CNY eat goreng sotong? Wanna kena buang kerja ka?

Last but not least..Tom Yam Seafood. Also got Sotong...but tarak goreng punya...shoud be okay gua?

Not a bad place to makan. Food here taste ok and not that pricey. But make sure put on mozzie repellent coz there might be Sand Flies around.


  1. Aiyoyo... itu pantang, ini pantang... so susahlah... cakap banyak... ish ish ish... so superstitious, throw to Africa or Somalia, baru tau... apa pun tarak to makan. Ish ish ish!

  2. Ah! My kind of food...but not the tom yam, not crazy over that.

  3. Mmamarazzi let u eat pineapple? Wah, geng!

  4. Kathy...believe it anot I have never been to Terengganu. I would love to go there one day to shop for batik and you know what la...those keropok and lecor...mmmm yummy !

    Joshua need to eat more and this is go back more often lo to Terengganu...sea breeze makes one hungry fast :)

  5. Wah, your anakrazzi can finish a whole mug of Milo?!! Tabit! I kids too love pineapple vey much!:)

  6. wow pineapple hehehe manis tak??

  7. Auntie Cleff

    You think Africa or Somalia no pantang ah? Maybe worse than here

  8. Elin

    Should go there one of these days. A lot of keropoks, batik and those rotan and mengkuang made stuffs.

    Everytime go back ate rice also like tak cukup kenyang. Maybe due to the exercise running about

  9. Alice Law

    Yes, can finish whole Milo. Drink a lot of liquid punya

  10. Mars Mell-o

    initially not that sweet but aftr a few days, ripe enough then sweet

  11. Growing kids are like that la... eat non-stop. Chloe is also forever hungry like I'm starving her like that but she's more picky lor, she won't eat pineapples!

  12. How I wish Gwen has big appetite like Small Kucing.

  13. wah so clever eat pineapple! yumyum!

  14. Really jalan jalan cari makan there, right? nice to go with u.. got so many chan chik there to take u makan!

  15. Chloe's Mommy

    Mamarazzi also dont eat pineapple

  16. Mummy Gwen

    then bring Gwen to KT. Run here and there sure hungry very fast

  17. Claire

    hahaha.....ya lo hungry wor


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