
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 20 March 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-Twelve Years Old

According to the story that Mamarazzi told me about Jesus from Enid Blyton's book, he was a very thoughtful and dependable boy. When he was twelve years old he can be depended on to look after his younger siblings, to help Joseph deliver things to customers and  run errand for Mary.

He thinks for himself and would not follow blindly what people says. He goes to school to learn lesson and especially laws about God. The teachers wrote down many laws and it had become difficult for people to learn. There are even laws to govern how people should wash plates!

As Jesus learn the law, he thought about it. In his heart he felt that surely God would care more about people being kind instead of how they wash their plates and stuffs like that. Surely Gd would look into people heart instead of superficial things that they do? Jesus wish he could tell this to the people and for the law to be simpler.

Well, every year Joseph and Mary would journey to the Holy City of Jerusalem for the festival. This year, they decided to bring Jesus along as he is old enough to join church and become one of its members. Jesus was excited.

Some of his friends were also going and they talked about this. One boy cautioned the others not to go through the country of the horrible Samaritans for his father told him that the Samaritans are bad people. And that everyone knows this for a fact.

Jesus disagreed. Surely not all Samaritans are wicked and what everyone says isn't always true. This put the seed of the Good Samaritan Story into Jesus mind. The rest of the boys thought nothing more of the topic. And soon they begin their journey to The Holy City of Jerusalem.


  1. What are you hiding behind your back? Don't want to share, izzit? Bad, bad boy... LOL!!!

  2. STP

    Lottery tickets. if kena then can take flight to visit u

  3. agree not everything everyone say can be the truths, take it with a pinch of salt.

  4. who is the small boy at his back ?=D

  5. Nava

    Yes, have to think about it before believe or at least do a bit of research


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