
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 19 April 2010

Three Kind Souls Came Bearing Crabs..Opps Gifts

You! Don't go anywhere. I've got a story to tell. A story of three kind souls.

Yesterday was a special Sunday. It's special coz three kind souls woke up 7 early 8 early in the morning to go pasar. Getting the perfect ingredients to cook up a storm. They are Uncle Patrick, Auntie Florence and Auntie Siew. They stay quite far away and they came bearing delicious gifts.

Mamarazzi didn't have to lift a finger. Mamarazzijust have to sit and wait to be served.

Uncle Patrick's special steamed crabs. Delicious!

Also others yummy stuffs. I ate so many "telur puyuh" till I lost count.

Don't know where Auntie Florence and Auntie Siew got this young and sweet Sawi from but this was one of the first dish that we finished.

Hmm...what's that? Auntie Florence cooked her secret recipe soup.

Special Assam Fish soup. The yellow brinjal can only be found in Sarawak. This is the secret ingredient.

Auntie Florence's friend brought some for her from Sarawak last week. She purposely kept it for yesterday occasion. She could have kept it all for herself but she shared her favourite food with us. But then what can I say...Auntie Florence is gifted with a kind and generous nature. Sometimes too kind till Mamarazzi likes to take advantage of her kindness. I guess she got her good nature from her parents.

I noticed that Auntie Siew was not her usual self yesterday. It must have been the terrible migraine that she have been having for the past few days. I hope she will recover soon.

Alamak! got out of the topic pulak. But then Mamarazzi really wanna thank this three generous and kind soul lor.

Back to the topic...The soup was really delicious. We ate and ate and ate but then also cannot finish punya.

We end-up too full till cannot move. The cake cutting have to be postphone...

To be Cont'd.....


  1. haha, too full to post the cake picture also ah?

  2. U have such lovely and handsome friends... how come never invite me.. ada P sana... haahhahaha.. *wink*

  3. Wah lah, crabs, nice crabs......mmmmm, now hungry again just after breakfast!

  4. weiiiiiii telur puyuh very high cholesterol leh hahahhah

  5. Wah crabs and fish.. aih making me hungry for lunch now! LOL!

  6. Smallkucing and his family are so blessed... blessed with so many good friends and never-ending servings of yummy food!

  7. ooooh yellow brinjal! i thought used to cook this very sour soup thingy...

  8. No terung Dayak over there kah? So kesian you people! Everything don't have. Sooooo....yummy hor, the yellow brinjal. Cook with freshwater prawns even nicer!!! Drool! Drool! LOL!!!

    The crabs did not pinch you kah?

  9. nice to sit there and get all the food. What more so special and yummy food.

  10. If i were there, I'd finished the century eggs first! My favourite :D

    Happy Belated Birthday Kathy :D

  11. That asam fish soup must be very nice :)

  12. were pampered on your special day..sooo nice. All the food looks delicious. They are really great cooks.

  13. Eh, the food eat, eat ,eat, still cannot finish ah? Never mind, give some to me loh! Hehehehe =P Btw, the food looks yummy! And nice new blog design (sorry I was not able to read your blog for the past few days....really busy with work, so I think the new design was probably around much earlier before this time of writing).

  14. tuti

    The cake pic posted at

    Will post another round of cake if i can get the photo up later on. Need to edit the pic of the delicious food later dont come with an empty stomach oh :p

  15. Pete

    makan...jangan tak makan :p

  16. Claire

    *wink wink* Aiya...maybe we will go visit you leh :p

  17. Lenglui Witch

    Ya loh..the asam fish really "hoi wai".

  18. Manglish

    Yesterday was a High Cholesterol Day for all of us. Stuffing ourselves morning to night with high cholesterol food....later "puasa" 6 month lor :p

  19. Chloe's Mummy

    Indeed lo coz all so "ngum key" one. :)

  20. Medie007

    It's my 1st time coming across thisyellow brinjal. I always sees the purple ones. Never yellow ones.

  21. Ann

    Ya lor ... Florence "volunteered" to be the "maid" for the day kakakaka

  22. STP

    No wor...didnt notice in pasar here :(. Next time if your place have and you are coming over bring some lah. Then can test out on prawns pulak :)

    The fella who sells the crabs "kau tim-ed" the crabs for us. We just have to wash and steam.

  23. uLi

    Special lor coz normally they put serai and etc but this one tarak. No oil at all

  24. Merryn

    I geli eat Century eggs.The rest of them loves Century Eggs

    Thanks for the wish

  25. Mummy Gwen

    The 3 of them memang always pamper Mamarazzi ones

  26. Alice

    What to be sorry for wor?i know you very busy and just movedd to new house. Sure a lot of things need to be done. Have just change the template last week. Before that I dare not change. Butthanks to Claire and Garfield help, I managed to have this new template lor. They are very nice and kind lor. Forever generous and willing to give helpful advice

  27. Wah!! Never seen yellow ones before wor!! And my beloved CRABS!!! *faints*

  28. Wah so good... got ppl come cook for u on ur big day... me so jealous! Haha forget about the high cholesterol for a day hor. What more important than celebrating with good food. :)

  29. Agnes

    U also likes to eat crabsah? Come...wait till u come KL or I goIpoh...we ajak Claire go eat crabs

  30. Chee Yee

    That was what I was thinking too...kakaka...makan later :p

  31. Wenn

    wah anothet kaki to eat crabs. Weird wor for crabs if eat 1 or 2 person tarak syok one. have to eat with many people baru syok :P

  32. ur always surrounded with good yummylicious food!


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