
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 8 April 2010

Sea Coconut Leong Shui

Papa have been coughing a lot. Thus Mamarazzi decided to make Sea-coconut with Lo Han Guo Leong Shui the other day.

Simple ingredients. Lo Han Guo, snow fungus and dried Longan

And of course must have SEA COCONUT. Auntie Cleff, this is how Sea Coconut looks like before made into Leong Shui.

Last time Mamarazzi was "jakun". Doesn't know how to take the skin off the sea coconut. She went and use knife to peel like people peeling apple. Then complain pulak it's very difficult. Adoi!..that was when the seller laughed at her. Told her to use a spoon and scoop out the pulp.

well after scooping out the pulp, then just slice into thin slices. Throw everything into the pot and boil. Oh ya...put a bit of Rock Sugar to taste.

The result?

Wek! Tarak sedap.I don't like the taste of the Lo Han Guo. Papa pulak very clever. Cabut lari to work. Haiz...Mamarazzi drink la.


  1. oh... you give to mummy ling also nvr give me.. don't want to friend you liao.. :p nvm, I cook myself at home... weekend coming, any plan bo?

  2. Cough, cough, cough, Ahem....I also want leh!

  3. Pete

    Cough cough cough...ahem...habis liao wor :p

  4. Cynthia cook much nicer than mine la. Paiseh lor if give you. No plans yet this weekend. Why ah?

  5. nice nehx seacoconut and luo hon guo!!!*-*

  6. Joshua, i can shake hands with u on this.. i dont like the loh hon kuo taste too.. just give me the sea coconut with mutt choe enough.. haahaha..
    eh, kathy, i also find it troublesome to skin it, nasib baik u said scoop up with spoon.. hope it jadi for me..

  7. joshua tarak suka... pass to ethan boleh? :D

  8. Coco

    Cooling for such weather :)

  9. Merryn

    Ethan drink one ah? Good next time if I make will give you a call :)

  10. Claire

    LOL looks like I am not the only one who is blur how to skin the Sea coconut lor :p yay..

  11. wow..i like. my throat also a bit sored...

  12. Never seen that before except in tins and canned drinks...and sea coconut cough syrup! LOL!!!

  13. Hahhaha....Joshua, good for you le the leong shui...

  14. mamamamarazzi....i am coughing...and WILL BE coughing when i see you next! you sek do ok!

  15. I thought all kids love tong sui? Funny that Joshua doesn't like...

  16. LOL....lo han guo nice ma. And I heard they are good to cure cough. I'm also coughing la. *hint hint*

  17. Chris

    Time to boil some leongsui :)

  18. STP

    *pengsan* can ones too sweet:(

  19. LG

    Cough tillNov ah? I scared u kena TB liao lor by then :p

  20. uLi

    to bad he doesnt like it. Even barli also he dont like. Same like the Papa. Forced baru drink

  21. mNhL

    yes...good for cough and flu with phelgm :D

  22. BoeyJoey

    Must be the taste of the lo han gou...but i give him barley he also doesnt like :(

  23. I think Gwen also tak suka. But I like lor. :D Those ingredients don't know where to find lah here..haha.

  24. Hehe... your facial expression so cute, so blur. next time do like papa, run!

  25. LOL! Joshua's don't-like look is so funny! And the papa run away for what? Later come back got force him to drink 3 cups? :p

  26. oH...yea yea..i got some from Mamarazzi..dancing happily****

  27. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE8 April 2010 at 16:57

    Hey Kathy

    U really make me laugh wif last photo of Joshua...LOL....err but i didn't say anything arr...

  28. Eh? Luo Han Gua nice la... I like...

    This J... looks like want to muntah liddat.

  29. Hehe, I don't like Lo Hon Guo too, but my mum will force me to drink ... lol ... but I love sea coconut .. yummy. hehe

  30. Mummy Gwen

    If like that u open one Leong Sui restaurant there sure will laku

  31. Gus

    he cant run that fast yet..Mamarazzi can still over take him :p muhahahaha

  32. Chloe

    ya lo he doesnt like LHG drink

  33. Mommy Ling

    Thank u for helping me to clear off some :)

  34. Cleff

    Coz he dun like LHG drink lor :(

  35. Joanna

    LGH good for coughing leh :p

  36. LOL At Joshua! Pass to me lar.. I'm very heaty these days! LOL!

  37. Lenglui Witch

    ya lor...nice drink he dont know howto appreciate ...haiz...

  38. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE9 April 2010 at 16:49

    No thanks for the offer Kathy chung..LOL.. Joshua's picture paints a 1000 words..LOL

  39. Ai yo, nobody drink yeah? Give me and my family. We love it so much!

    For me, I will freeze the sea coconut and just when I wish to cook it, I peel it under the tap water. The skin can easily fall off too.

  40. Joanne

    The Seacoconut can freeze one ah? I didnt know. Thanks for the tips.

  41. I am going to save the drops I got from NuNaturals and see if it works for coughs.


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