
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 1 April 2010

April Fooled

It rained cats and dog this afternoon. Don't believe me? Here is the proof.

After the rain stopped, Mamarazzi decided to go out to dispose the rubbish. And hey...what should we see...a flash that jump out of our front door grille. It was a cat.

Then I saw this. A tiny kitten. So tiny that it can't move much and its eye yet to open.

Omigosh! did it really rained cats and dogs? where is the doggy pulak?

The Mommy Cat going to leave the kitten here ah? Don't April Fool me oh...

Mamarazzi told me not to touch the little kitten coz the Mommy Cat will come and claim the kitten later. And true enough. We closed the door and after half an hour the kitten was gone(missing..not dead). The Mommy Cat came back and claimed the kitten.


  1. Ohh... poor little kitty! It's time to cultivate your love and passion for animals. Joshua, hurry up take good care of your friend! :)

  2. eh.. how come a kitten is under yr shelf? it is outside? my back lane is full of cats and kittens too..

  3. awwwww....poor kitty!!! if angelbear found it sure suda kena amik masuk rumah...

  4. Alice

    Must be due to the heavy rain. Cold.Thus the cat came in

  5. Claire

    Ya it was at the corridor. The tiny space between the front door and the grille. Kesian

  6. Angel Bear

    Kenot ambik masuk leh. Later the Mama and Papa cat look for it how? Dont wanna separate the family. And true enough. The Mama Cat came back for the kitten

  7. There was a cat given birth to few baby few months back at my back lane. I hate cat but if they stay at the back lane I will have to show some mercy by giving them some food everyday. Thanks god they are gone now.

  8. oh... poor kitten.. so kecik lagi. Joshua, ur kaki-lang! quick help!!!

  9. Smallkucing found a smallkucing...should let them post for a photo together.....LOL!

  10. oh gosh, i am sure the stray cat will consider this a home for herself and her kittens!!! are you giving them a shelter??

  11. poor thing... sayang it!

    nanged!OMG, i saw a girl undressed in front of me.nang to read more! =)

  12. Molly

    if got food, usually the cat will stay

  13. Merryn

    no need to help as the Mommy cat took it back liao lor

  14. Pete

    i dare not let him go near to the newborn kitten la. Scared he Cekik the kitten. Kids doesnt know their own strength. Anyway...if he touch the kitten, the mother cat might reject the poor kitten later.

  15. SK

    I guess the mother cat and kitten came in to shelter from the wind and rain. It rained very hard just now.

    The rain had stopped and the cats have gone.

  16. OMG.... so small... still blind wan lehhh... not yet open eyes. This one cannot survive without the mummy... drinking milk milk... ish... so pity... too small... even smaller than my Meow when I found her! Gosh, so cute and fluffy....but very pity, it must be cold over there...

  17. Sheng Fatt

    Thanks for the nang :)

    Love your blog too

  18. Cleff

    Ya lor eye not yet open. How la to give milk like that. Lucky the mother cat came back to retrieve the kitten or else...

  19. uLi

    Now okay liao coz the mommy cat came and fetch it

  20. yeah it's a good move not to disturb the kitten =)

  21. awww...i'd have killed the kitten cuz i'll touch it. :P

  22. medie007

    uiks...i thought yours is supposed to be a healing touch wor...

  23. Ken

    Lucky the mother cat came back and retrieve the kitten

  24. Poor little kitty. Luckily, the Mummy Cat came and claimed her baby. If Mummy Cat never come, how ah?

  25. Aw, so pitiful, all alone in the cold. A good thing the mother returned for the kitten ...

  26. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE2 April 2010 at 10:30

    Actually i was hoping that you kena sth Kaw kaw of April fOOOL...(Sigh)....U terlepas kali ini..LOL..Happy weekend Kathy & family

  27. Aiyo....luckily the mummy did not abondon the baby.

  28. Oh..poor kitty! Glad the mummy cat came to get it!

  29. Mummy Gwen

    Guess if the Mommy Cat dont come back...have to adopt it gua.

  30. Joanna

    Ya lor...lucky the Mother Cat come back. Or else have to adopt it. Even if adopt it dont know whether it will survive coz it dont know how to lap up milk yet.

  31. So cute the lil kitten, but if i see it, i wouldnt dare to touch also..This is another SMALL KUCING..hhahah

  32. Mommy Ling

    Papa said coz the Mommy Cat know there is another kucing in the house :p

  33. I really hope the mommy's the one which claimed the kitten. can't bare to think of anything bad. so cute but sad.


  34. Gus

    It should be the real Mommy Kucing that claim it or else there would have been guts littered all over the floor.

  35. Ah! Poor kiteen!! I love cat and kitten. Eh, the kitten nose got blood ar??

  36. becos they know u are small kuchingma.. so come and visit lor. haha

  37. Sasha

    Small kucing visiting small kucing ya :)

  38. Annie

    Not blood. Dirt. coz near flower pot


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