
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Crabs In The Evening


Morning we had Crabs...

Evening we went to Restaurant King Crab pulak.

And who should I meet if not these pretty "delivery man" who came to deliver a lovely Cake. Didn't know the story? Never mind. Check out the post here.

Yay! gimme five!

Appetizer. "Acar". Taste? Not that nice as it's a bit too soft.

A taufu dish. Taste not bad.

Butter prawn. Yummy. The prawns were very fresh. Mamarazzi and me loves the crunchy toppings.

Forgot the name of this dish but the taste not that nice.

This is a sexy dish. Called Sexy Prawns with XO Sauce. Am not bluffing you geh.It's written in the Menu. Auntie Cyn said maybe the prawns are sexy coz all are naked. No more kulit.

Thai Style Fish.Hmm...taste quite good.

The Taiko. Spicy and Sour Crabs. Taste? Fresh and sweet.

Alamak! forgot the name again...something that got baked..salted..pepper..something something crab.

I like this one coz it's not spicy and I can eat the "Khong".

Aiks...Uncle Patrick and Auntie Florence seems to be enjoying themselves very much.

A Mamarazzi in the making. Snapping photos of the cake cutting.

But before cut cake, have to sing song and blow candles first wor.

Two cakes. A big THANK YOU to Auntie Cynthia, Uncle Chye and Uncle Hock.

Faster la...I want my piece of cake!

Yay! its' mine ...all mine!

A "Lah Jar Mau" in the making.

Mamarazzi would like to take this opportunity to thank the following special persons:-

Papa who came home from work earlier than expected

Uncle Chye, Uncle Hock, Uncle Patrick, Auntie Florence, Auntie Siew, Auntie Cynthia and Princess Breanna who came and celebrated with us in person.

Auntie Claire, Auntie Cleffairy and Auntie Ling who beeped Mamarazzi messenger at the stroke of midnight

And those who left lovely wishes via SMS, Facebook and Smallkucing comments .

Thank you thank you thank you thank you....this year is one of the best year. A loving family and friends. Some old friends and some new friends...thank you once again!


  1. Wow, really delicious feast :)

    Happy Belated Birthday to Smallkucing's Mamarazzi !! So sorry for probably being the last to wish *shifty eyes* ...

  2. Mamarazzi's fav must be crabs cos morning until night also eat them. Nice celebration there!

  3. Happy Birthday ya ^^ So are you satisfy with King Crab's foods? :D

  4. Joanna

    Aiyo! what is there to be sorry about leh.I ketuk your head baru tau. kakakaka Thank you for your lovely wish :)

  5. Mr Lonely

    wokay.Thanks for visiting my blog:)

  6. Chloe'sMummy

    I just saw your blogpost also.You all also makan-ed whole day. kakaka..Happy Belated Birthday to your MIL :)

  7. Happy belated birthday to u Kathy. got 2 birthday cakes some more! I never got 2 cakes in my birthday celebration

  8. uLi

    Ya Birthday Dinner.

    Some dish nice and some aren't lor. Yesterday acar was lembik :(

    The crabs and prawns are nice. Sweetand fresh

  9. Happy birthday again!!! Wow u are so lucky... so many birthday cakes ;)

  10. Mummy Moon

    Thanks :). One cake from Cyn and one from Hubi's cousins.

  11. *sobS* Ingat jugak mention my name. I am sooo touched. LOL...finally, ada jugak orang ingat me. :P

    Wah, ur word verification, benar! LOL

  12. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so fun....i love butter prawn oso :)

  13. Ooi! When I has nasi lemak, I went to all other blogs - so many having nasi lemak...and today I have crabs, kuching also having crabs. I wonder who else...

    Ya!!! Shout like that, stuff kucing's face with cake! Hehehehehe!!!!

  14. Wah! This really grand birthday celebration! Eat whole day...and crabs, crabs and more crabs! Luckily not me - later gout attack! Kesian this old man, must control! LOL!!!

  15. i always wana makan at this rest but not sure de foods are nice or not. It seems all also look delicious wor.

  16. ooooh..what can i say except that I wish i were there?? *wink*

  17. fuyoh.. berapa kali you mau TQ me la!! enough jor la... I the one must say big big TQ to the dinner la... it's been so long I didn't makan crab and crap about it! :p soon we do again ok.. :D

  18. Nice nice!! I love crabs too!!!

    Happy to know that you had a great birthday!! :)

  19. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE20 April 2010 at 12:46

    i only wanna komen this : Surely got sth ON between Joshua & that gal....LOL...

    P.S : Awrite i read your latest komen in mine but i kenot help myself...Apology

  20. haha, that should be called something like "Lotus Roots Four Season".. i actually like this dish..

    and oh, of course that very sexy Prawns with XO sauce, looks super delicious leh~~

  21. Happy belated birthday, Mamarazzi! wah, afternoon time eat crab, dinner eat some more crab ah? Terror-nya! Btw, it was quite loong ago since I last ate in King Crab restaurant, I think was way back in 2006, after that no more already.

  22. Can see your happy face, senyum sampai telinga.

  23. The prawns are sexy coz they are so 'curvy' ? lol.. glad u had a nice time :D

  24. Can see your happy face, senyum sampai telinga.

  25. Happy Belated Birthday Mamarazzi! Ahh I had crabs there recently too! Their crabs are divine! :)

  26. hey,,, i really like the title of your post Crabs in the Evening,,, how apt and how enticing it sounds.

    was cynthia with you too,right?

  27. Manglish

    I ngap habis liao lor the prawns..

  28. Cleff

    Tak mention your name I takut kena Vampire murder wor...what word you got from the word verification? "vampire" ah?

  29. Mommy Ling

    So dish good some not good lor.

  30. STP

    For a change eat crabs lor.

    Hmm...whose blog got crabs might try Claire's. Her blog always have delicious food :)

    Ya lor..the kid really aiseh the piece of cake aje, he go and stuff hisface with it. Aiyo...finger dirty wipe on Mmarazzi's baju pulak.

  31. Cyn

    At least have to wait 1 month lo..cholesterol leh kakakaka...

  32. Claire..

    Next year next year :p

  33. MRC

    what comment? I left many ler.

  34. Agnes

    Happy Birthday to you too:). Pluck a lot of strawberies mou?

  35. SK

    I think the name something like that la coz very long winded one.

    Very sexy prawns kakaka

  36. Alice

    Thank you :) .Pass this restaurnat many time but dare not go in coz looks expensive.

    Then Sunday Hubi suddenly say go King Crab for dinner lor. Last minute decision.

  37. Merryn

    Of course la had good time. With good friends around wor :)

  38. Lil Bulb

    From ear to ear..hahahaha

  39. Eugene

    Ya, Cynthia and Breanna was there too :)

  40. Lenglui Witch

    Ya I saw, in your blog and in uLi's. Crabs were good and the prawns too.

    But the rest of the dishes so-so only. A bit disappointed lor.Maybe expectation too high la coz kept reading good reviews from newspaper and friends also said good.

  41. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE20 April 2010 at 16:48

    Eh happy birhtday Kathy chung.....:-)

  42. Wow..crabs and more crabs...yummylicious. You had a wonderful celebration. :D

  43. Happy belated birthday to Joshua!
    Have always wondered how was King Crab;s standard of its i know! haha!
    Nice dinner to remember!

  44. you're so blessed, smallkucing, to have wonderful people around you to celebrate! that can only mean that you're totally wonderful yourself! :)

  45. i like crab too... nice time don't forget TZ eh~

  46. Happy Belated Birthday. Wah, lots of food! Sexy Prawns.....mmmmm, maybe I should try to cook it!......leave a little cooked red shell intact like bikini....ha ha ha!

  47. Mummy Gwen

    Yalor. Eating crabs from morning to evening kakaka

  48. Leona

    Joshua's birthday over liao lor :p

    First time eat so much crabs in a day :)

  49. TZ

    Ok ok next time call u pay kakakaka

  50. Tuti

    No la...not wonderful person..Just a very lucky have such nice friends

  51. Pete

    Bikini Prawns kakaka..Or Sexy Prawn at The Beach.

  52. Cis...tarak mention my name nvm la. i not siu hei wan. I just go your house and beg you to make me beehoon nia. LOL... (shakes head, I tink ur beehoon really got drugs inside!)

  53. Cleff bihun got "saliva" . That's why u gila my bihun liao...kakaka

  54. Wah crab again! *Drooling* I think the last time I eat crab is >4 yrs ago when I was still pregnant with my eldest child! LOL!

  55. Chee yee

    Ya lor Mamarazzi suddenly gila crabs :p

  56. Happy belated birthday Kathy!

    wow..birthday = crab day? Morning crabs, night also crabs, so nice, what a fruitful "crab" day for you. LOL!!

    The food at king's crab look good ar..should try out one day.

  57. Annie

    Thank you :)

    Food Okay la..depending on what you ordered.

  58. Irene year next year la :p


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