
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Frog Saliva Dessert

Eeee..these looks like the "gold" that Mamarazzi dug out from my ears. Mamarazzi said these are "frog Saliva"(Sheat Kap) but it's actually are frog fallopian tubes. Mamarazzi wanna cook dessert with it. No wonder people say Chinese will eat any thing and every thing.

First, soak the "frog saliva" overnight. Then it will turn "fluffy" like this.

Then peel some Gingko nuts. remember to cut the Gingko nuts into half and throw away the "pucuk" growing in the middle or else the thing will taste bitter.

Some dried longan, rock sugar and Pandan leaves. Throw everything into the pot.

Double boil it for 3-4 hours and then it's ready to be eaten.

How do I like the "frog saliva"? I love it! Especially when Mamarazzi put it into the fridge to cool it. Taste like jelly. But I don't like the Gingko Nuts. Just too bad coz Mamarazzi likes the Gingko Nuts coz she said it add flavour to the dessert.

This dessert is said to be very goo for the skin. Those who can't afford to have Bird Nest, this is the substitute lor.


  1. kathy, i used to boil that when my kids were young like joshua.. they love to drink that, buti never told them that those are frogs' galls.. i think not saliva la.. the tam.. inside the dried frog.. tam is.. gall? or something.. saliva is from birds nest.. or something..hahaha.. correct me if i m wrong..

  2. Chop again!, thank you! You can eat all the frog saliva and whatever all by yourself. Hahahahaha!

  3. Wah lucky you, get to easy suit kap! :) I didn't know suit kap was frog's saliva! Funny!

  4. I thought 'shee kap' is known as lizard's skin? During pregnancy drank a lot. Now, only drink plain water.

  5. Mamarazzi so "bou" wonder her skin is so fair and lovely. :)

  6. oh i love xuet kup!! my favourite with ginger and served cold!

  7. Wow...very good "bow beng"...I want!

  8. Claire

    I tau makan only. Coz hear the "aunties" said is frog saliva so i also thought it's frog saliva lor. Coz we eat bird saliva...not surprise if eat frog saliva also.Then googled baru know it's not.

  9. Lenglui witch

    It's not frog saliva la but people say it is lor

  10. STP

    Nice nice leh...Can become leng leng wor

  11. mNhL

    Ya i drink this and birdnest when pregnant too.

  12. Mummy Gwen

    You mean mamarazzi's? surely not. Mamarazzi's skin is dried and kedut liao. That why need to"Bou" *sob*sob*

  13. Chandelier

    Can put ginger ah? What else as ingredient? I wanna try and make next time. Thanks :)

  14. woot! have never heard of this before. Actually I have never heard of many chinese herbal drinks oso.. sigh.. but i've learnt a LOT from you kathy.. thanx :D

  15. Hmm, this one, if I dunno what it is, it's actually quite nice to eat but once I know what it really is, feel geli lah...

  16. uLi

    Tell me when u come then i make :p

  17. hey smallkucing :) replied u on my blog

  18. Merryn

    Can get from Medicine Hall

  19. Chandelier

    Thanks for the recipe. Saw your reply already :D

  20. I thought apa frog saliva initially.. haha!

  21. Prince and Princess Mum interpretation from pasar :p

  22. i used to take it last time. maybe i should take it again.

  23. I sked to take these la...and bird's nest also I geli...and sea cucumber I lagi geli!! Must be the reason why I kedut...

  24. Wenn

    I also long time havent take this...since after give birth. That day saw they sell verycheap. So buy 1 pkt lor

  25. Ewww... like Cikgu, froggies stuff and barang barang yang sejenis dengannya... I'll pass. Geli. I'll drink your lohan drink any day, though and also, I will makan your beehoon goreng oso. This one, abit scary... T_T Eee... this Mamarazzi... give the smallkucing eat frogs! Smallkucing kno anot, he eat frogs? Smallkucing so berani. Auntie tak berani eat frogs... in any form. Feel geli. :(

  26. Frog Saliva is not cheap as well. I can't afford both. Can I have some? Just a little spoon of it, pls? :p

  27. Haha I like to eat this too. But did not know it is from frog. In fact, never ask where it is from. :)

  28. is it really from the frog ar? i think it is not but i forgot from where...

  29. I think it is called Snow Jelly too. Cos yesterday I bought 2 cans of Snow Jelly with Ginseng extract for my daughter who has been coughing for a week. People said such jelly works, to improve children's lung and vitality. I couldnt get the uncooked snow jelly, so let her tried the can one last night. It has jelly in it too, but she only drank the syrup.

  30. Superman

    Cheaper than Birdnest lo. Can get for RM50 and below while birdnest all rm100+ for a "slice". *pengsan*

    Fly over la..Will make some for you :)

  31. CheeYee

    Sometimes just close eyes and eat kau tim. the more know the more geli kakaka.

    Like the Century Eggs...rumours said they peram using horse "shh shh". Though i know it's not true but still geli to eat kakakaka

  32. Manglish

    Duno..I googled and there said it's from frog Filo-something-tube. I close eyes and drink only lor :p

  33. Rose

    I am sure but this Shuet Kap can get from Chinese medicine Hall. Depending on the quality.

  34. Cis... frog's fallopian tube. LOL...

  35. Long time I didn't eat this already oh. Can put pandan leaf, I also dont know.

  36. Oh, i love this!!! Can i have one please!! Yummy!! I heard cannot drink too much, very fattening? But you so skinny, never can drink as much as you can. So long i never drink already, now you remind me want to get some and boil this week! hahahhahahah..i prefer this than bird nest.

  37. Annie Q

    Have to find good ones lor else very difficult to clean the black things :(. Kena 1 time not so good. Clean till eyes also blur :p

  38. frog's saliva is good for expecting mothers? i only heard about pureness bird's nest is good for that.

  39. i thought shuit kap is a type of undersea seaweed? frog fallopian tubes? eww! how did they get so much? farm frogs for those parts?

  40. Joanne

    Can..make fresh one for you la


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