
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 9 April 2010

Ah Kong's Healthy Rojak

This is a very outdated post. Ah Kong and Ah Mah came during school holiday for a short trip. This trip, Ah Kong made his special "rojak".

Jeng~jeng~jeng~Rojak which consists of Keropok lekor rebus, carrot, cucumber, unripe papaya, hard boiled egg and ground nuts. The sauce a bit of lime juice and Ah Mah's secret recipe home made chili sauce.

Papa ngap-ed the whole bowl of "Rojak" while I "ngap-ed" some carrots and keropok lekor when I was "helping" Ah Kong to prepare the "rojak".

Sorry ya, can't offer any to you coz only Ah Kong and Ah Mah have the perfect recipe. Those who wanna taste have to follow me "balik kampung"


  1. where is ur kampung ar? i tail u from the back..hehehhe

  2. Really very special. Never had rojak with keropok lekor. Only available in Terengganu? Next time you balik kampong, tapau some back la.

  3. Looks yummy! Lucky you...your Ah Kong can make rojak for you...

  4. oooohh.. this is something new to me, authentic rojak, got money also cannot buy the recipe, right?

  5. keropok lekor?????????? tat is new!! hhahaahaha to me lar

  6. I don't want to follow you balik kampung la.. but next time if you go back hoh, can ta pao some of the keropok lekok (fresh) for me mou? I fry myself here la..

  7. special this rojak, can buka gerai already.

  8. Wah your rojak has keropok lekor! I love them! Tapau tapau!:)

  9. Wats that grey thing? Is it yam?

  10. yummy ... something new ! Hehe, I never knew keropok lekor can be steamed ... :p

  11. Mommy Ling

    KL ler...But Papa's is from KT

  12. Pince and princess mum

    And healthy too.

  13. mNhL

    Nope..only available at Ah Kong's house.Ah Kong's secret recipe :P

  14. manglish

    LOL Keropok lekor from fish also, right :p

  15. lil bulb

    Not many can appreciate lo

  16. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE9 April 2010 at 17:08

    After always make fun of you, i feel guilty - today wanna give u the "credit" & "thumbs up" for the rojak..... :-D (hehe)

  17. kelvin

    It's keropok lekor. Rebus ones instead of the fried ones.

  18. Lenglui Witch

    Kenot tapau la. Soggy already. Wait till Ah Kong come again la. Then can ask ah kong to make fresh one

  19. Joanna.

    KT a lot of Keropok lekor are boiled. And even if fried, wont be like KL's thin thin ones. Theirs are thick and chunky

  20. wow yummmmmmm-my!

  21. MRC

    Cheh...rojak not i make punya...haiz...kena again la

  22. Wah so top secret wan, the recipe. Must be super good. Yums!

  23. Keropok lekor rebus? New to me...hehe!

  24. I'll vomit my ass out if eat keropok lekor rebus. =( So geli... how to eat. Keropok lekor must fry ma, oni nice to eat!

  25. i walk slowly here to say hi. lol.
    what brand deep heating you use?

  26. Tuti

    It's by Diethelm. Tub is red and white in color.

    Similar to this

  27. Chloe's Mummy

    Yup super duper top secret :p

  28. Cleff

    me too. I preferred goreng ones

  29. thanks meow meow. you are a great blogger friend. *smiles with appreciation* :)

  30. Mmmm...yummy. Mummy must learn the secret recipe leh. Ooh...keropok lekor must eat it while it's still hot with chili sauce.

  31. Mummy Gwen

    Even so...still have to have Ah Mah's home made cili sos

  32. Hi SK, nice rojak, though I have never seen nor eaten one like this.
    But it sure looks delicious. Anymore left? Ha ha.
    For a moment I thought was yee sang, ha ha.
    Your boy looks so cheeky. Love his haircut.
    Have a nice weekend, Lee.

  33. Ah Kong ai chu kiam, Ah Ma ai chu chia so both fight until long pua tiah. Heard of this Hokkien song by late Teresa Teng wa ha ha..tQ

  34. Uncle Lee

    More healthy that yee sang coz yee sang have the fried stuffs and oil.


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