
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Free dress from Malaysia Online Boutique Irenelim Fashion

*UPDATED : Sorry folks! They have reached the number of bloggers required to blog about this and this project is closed.*

Mamarazzi was informed by Auntie Cleffairy about this FREE dress Giveaway by Irenelim Fashion. Auntie Cleffairy found it from which give step by step instruction on how to get a Free Dress. All Mamarazzi have to do is to blog about and provide a link to it.

Thus Mamarazzi"Kiasu" la. Went to the website to look see look see.

Omigosh! there are so many nice dresses, blouses, jackets, shoes, pants and belt to choose from.

Hooray! with mamarazzi shopping online via Irenelim's Fashion, there is no more need for me to wait in the car with Papa while Mamarazzi "mi mi moh moh" choosing the dresses.

Wanna know which dress she chosen from there?

It's this little sweet sexy dress.


  1. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE6 April 2010 at 17:28

    See - still in the state of denial??? Isn't my Nostradum prediction about gals is 100% correct??

  2. that dress is too long for me :D that's why i chose the other

  3. wow... good choice wor! i must go and "8" first ;-)

  4. Merryn

    When I read your blog post i didnt know have free dress leh. Why didn't mention one?

  5. someone's birthday coming... *hint* *hint* ka...

  6. SWK

    Already "ordered" the dress lu...Got their e-mail confirmation that they will be sending me the dress for free kakakaka

  7. Boey Joey

    Fast fast go and choose your many out of stock already

  8. eh..i tot u must wear it and parade and photo it? :p i already wrote to the witch's blog... so what do i do next..

  9. Claire

    Will blog about it once again when i receive the dress.

    For the moment just wanna spread to friends lo. Sharing is caring, Caring is Sharing? :)

  10. oH....bcos of u masak project tergendala cos i need to join Project Witch...hahahha

  11. mommy Ling

    Cham loh...i have to hide liao. Later your hubi come and "Chaufu hei" coz he got no dinner.

  12. Pete

    U blog and get a dress for me la the i free model the dress for you muhahahaha

  13. Good choice :D Sure papa love it :P

  14. Oh rupa2nya the email is from u la hehe. I like your choice.. so sweet the dress. Too bad la, me very the giant size one, cannot fit into these petite2 bajus...

  15. uLi

    you think so ah :D. you got good taste.

  16. Chloe's Mommy

    there are quite many free size geh wor

  17. I like the dress you picked. mean just blog about it and I get a free dress? Thanks for sharing.

  18. Mummy Gwen

    that is what I gather from here

    Just blog about it with the link back to the website. You can blog about it AFTER your received the dress or Before also can.

  19. This miss Irene is a smart gal. And that dress looks gorgeous!

  20. Gus

    Kind of win win situation lo. Bloggers get the dress, the boutique gets more biz. In fact, am really tempted to purchse one or two dress there.

    What about you? Blog about it and get one for your Gf/sis?

  21. Ceh... end up I have to cincai tembak choose a dress. Those I like all tarak stock. Haiyorr, cincai lah. =(

  22. Thanks for sharing the info. I'll give it a try too if I have time to divert away from office work :P kiasuism is showing too!

  23. Cleff

    ya lor...many out of stock..must get fast fast

  24. Alice

    Better be fast coz many of the nice dresses been grabbed liao

  25. I've sent the blogger iamthewitch an email and was told not eligible :(

    Anyway, am happy to find an online clothings website. Next time can go shopping for clothings for dinner. hehe

    Happy for you your free dress must blog k. Nice choice. i like your pick too.

  26. mNhL

    Ooo...i just saw the announcement at her blog. Said they have enough bloggers.

    Wow...must be very "laku".

  27. Hi,
    Thank you so much for your support. Sorry we have to close this Witch project for the time being. Anyway do drop by or as we have promotions, sales and great offers from time to time.


  28. Irene

    this round you are giving out dress. i suggest next round maybe shoes and belt to match with the dresses? :p

  29. Mamarazzi! <3 love this nick ;)
    Thank you for the participation! Can't wait to see you flaunt the dress, you'll be the hottest mamarazzi around! :P
    Btw, I added you in my blogroll. Do add to your blogroll to ensure you get news of future projects first hand ya! :)

  30. Lenglui Witch

    Have added your blog into my reading list since the day Cleffairy told me about you :D. Gosh...very interesting posts.


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