
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 15 April 2010

Don't You Just Hate It?


1) Credit Cards? I am still too young to apply for credit card la. Call me back in twenty years la.

2) Insurance? I have too many insurance policies already lah.

3) Telco promotion? I don't need this LifeStyle and that lifestyle la. Midnight liao you still wanna send me promotional message ah?

4) Hypermarkets offers for the weekend? You know what time it is or not now? 5 a.m. you expect me to go to your Hypermarket ah? You are not even open yet la. So ..don't you dare to send me anymore sms regarding your hypermarket offers at such ungodly hour. little Baa Baa Black Sheep..two Little Baa Baa Black Sheep.


  1. Yes.. I hate those kinds of calls, too!

  2. hahaha... what a cute post.. see his eyes in his first pic... so natural.. but then he is really half asleep right?

  3. Switch off the handphone lor! Then can sleep in peace...

  4. Prince & Princess Mum

    I really hate those marketing calls

  5. STP

    Takut got night time emergency call leh :(

  6. Claire

    Ya he was half asleep. Ngum ngum the papa called up

  7. mine is always silent mode.. :p

  8. That's a good idea. Just hand it over to a baby and let them entertain the telemarketer.

    "Hello, can I speak to miss..."

    Yes, Speaking...

    "Hi, I'm from.... we have a reward card to send you..."

    Oh, wait ah... let me pass you to my son. He knows all this stuff...

  9. hahahhahaa....he actually listen to the music from the hp until sleep is it? just like my nephew....

  10. Yes! I hate those calls too! Today and last two days just receive some calls from hospital, said give me free voucher for body check but i need to attend the talk for 1 hour or some one to one counseling, bla bla bla..really irritating.

    Pppppssstt..haven't been here a while, you got a new home! I thought i go to the wrong place. hahahha. Love your blog new header, very nice.

  11. Manglish

    No la..the father called want to talk to him.

  12. Gus

    Thats a great one :D hahahaha

  13. Annie Q

    The hospital thing is tied up to a hotel punya kan? I kena before.

    Ya lor, Claire changed "house" i also gatal wanna change lor :p . She give me the website punya

    Then the Garfiled help me to upload the template with my blogroll intact lor :)

    So many nice people here :)

  14. Yup..I hate those marketing and promotional calls too.

    Is he about to fall asleep? So cute.

  15. haha, he looks so sleepy..btw, u hv been photo tagged..

  16. I hate insurance talk actually...:P So every time when agent approach me, I simply tell them: "I will come to you IF I need it!"

  17. they save money call at off peak hour. they disturb us not knowing that it makes us too mad to even consider whatever they're marketing.

    nowadays i'm getting better at answering these calls. instead of in the past when i tried to be polite and say i am not interested and they go on and on. i now go.. no no.. don't want. no no no. they give up immediately. strange hor?

  18. Yea those calls/sms are really annoying! But I have long practiced the act of switching off my phone when I sleep. Bliss :)

  19. Macam-macam lah... i hate them too. Luckily they dun call or send sms to me at such ungodly hours. Kacau only..

  20. cute la..

    i guess de mamarazzi is the one busy with her hp.

  21. Yeah I hate those marketing call, especially about insurance one. Others I can say the location too far, not free or not convenient to go. Then they are OK to put down the phone. But the insurance one hor, will insist you listen to their "perfect" plan. Sigh everyone also saying their plan is the best one lar. Moreover they always call during office hour, said 5 mins wor, but end up 15mins or more, so cheong hei, really ng tong hei.

  22. Wenn

    Noted.Have to cari "ilham" to do the tag :p

  23. Mummy Gwen

    Ya loh, the tele-marketeer very persistant punya. Fed-up.

    Yup he was half way to dreamland

  24. uLi

    I would bluff them "Huh? I am from XXX Insurance Agency also" . They usual hang up very fast :p

  25. Tuti

    Calls is one thing. Another thing is those irritating text messages that seems to always arrive after midnite.

    Have asked my Telco to stop those and yet some still slip thru

  26. Lenglui Witch

    A very good idea..provided you are not as blur as me. Once switch off always forgot to on back :p

  27. Chee Yee

    Next time try my trick. If they tell you they are from "ABC INsurance company", you tell them you are the Manager of "XYZ INsurance Company". Ask them wanna join or compnay or not. They will hang up very fast :p

  28. Ha ha, kesian, talk until tidur aledy!

  29. Pete

    Want to talk wana tito lor

  30. yes, got it all the time...*sigh*. Reminds me of the time when I was living in actually have the option to not receive such calls by filling in an online form which will be sent to all the promoter companies. I wish we have such an option here.


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