
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 3 April 2010

Qingming Festival (清明节)

Looks like QingMing is around the corner. I wondered Ah Mah bought all the barangs yet or not.

There business is brisk for pasar malam traders that sell prayers items.

Paper shirts...

Paper money, cheque books, shoes, car, television ...

Wow...even handset, sunglasses, wallet, gold chains and golden lighter.Gosh...I wonder if they have iPhone or not.

I guess this weekend everybody will be busy doing "spring cleaning" at their ancestors"home" loh.


  1. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE3 April 2010 at 12:01

    All kinda "goodies" now available ~ if not mistaken nowadays can "tailor-order-made"...But supposedly christians cannot partake in Qing ming??....I know of christians that totally disassociate from anything that worship ancestors

  2. Aiyor...they give iphone...if the people over the other side dunno how to use, how? They come over to see you and ask you to teach them, how? Muahahahahaha!!!

  3. I think my family had already arranged it....uhuhuhu...

  4. tomorrow we r going ... to visit my late papa... its been a long time since i went..

  5. me going tomorrow also.. just finish 'packing' for my ancestors... and no 'advance' product coz like what STP says, I takut they come ask me how to use la.. :p

  6. MRC

    ya lor some got tailor made one also.

    Msian family very democratic a family some got budhist, taoism, christian and even muslimalso mah..

  7. Angel Bear

    So you also no need to go la?

  8. STP

    Scarrrry ler...they duno have to use tak apa...if they know how to use..they rang up every night how ah?

  9. Cynthia...

    you got burnt them passport or not? Got passport later they can come visit also lh...scary

  10. Claire

    Wear more sun block ya.

  11. I hardly remember anything bout this anymore as I've not been to one in ages... :(

  12. er.. they call each other with the handphone and visit each other with the passport lah. don't sked don't sked. lol.

  13. So far I nvr go cheng beng before.....maybe I shld consider going back to my hometown nextyr 4 cheng beng.

  14. I usually help my mum fold some of those paper stuff. Too bad I'm in Jakarta now. :(

  15. Merryn

    Me too. Curious coz saw many "new gadgets" for payer sold at pasar Malam

  16. Mummy Gwen

    There will be other years :)

  17. Mery

    Remember not to wear your best dress there lor :p

  18. ya, i'll be praying at sam poh tong..

  19. Wenn

    Sam Poh Tong is near the Biscuit Yee Hup Trailer and the Pamelo place right?.

    Been to the temple once. Gosh..the fish was bigger than Mamarazzi!

  20. I think iPhone got la...hehe! Probably 4G somemore :P

  21. aiks, you name it they have it!! sometimes am just impressed on how good they do business.. we've got Astro HD with remote control also, haha~~ :D

  22. SK

    LOL...they "live" more luxuriously than us.


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