
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Hotdog and Curry Puff From IKEA

Mamarazzi went shopping at Ikano while I stayed in the car with Papa. After she finished her shopping, she pop-by IKEA and bought some food to reward us.

Mmmm....what is that delicious looking thing that Mamarazzi bought.

Curry Puff? How much one? Rm1/pc and if buy 6 pieces get 50sen discount. Haiyo...Mamarazzi really kiasu ya.

What else" Two hotdogs. One for me and one for Papa.

Got generous heaping of onions and stuffs from the counter. Can put as much as you want. Apa lagi..Mamarazzi add till the hotdogs are like little mountain la.

See! she put so much.

Errr..can finish or not ah so much?


  1. oooh! you really are making me drool..have been meaning to try the curry puffs for a while now.. my friends are itching to go to IKEA for Swedish meatballs at least I can have ..ehm.. a hot dog entree and a curry puff dessert..hehe

  2. I manage to grab 1 curry puff and shared it with my mum and couzzie =.=''' Too full cannot manage to makan some more... now come back Ipoh d... regret didn't buy the meatballs... :s

  3. i nak!!! the other day no chance to buy the curry puffs.. came down forgotten all.. maybe also full la that day and too excited to buy.. hahaha.. next round, i will go.. we meet again there OK?

  4. this is a must if we go IKEA hoh... hahhaa.. I also bought a dozen back that day..

  5. i love it too!!!! yummy!!

  6. I love IKEA curry puff too :) So to my hubby...every we go IKEA, sure will whack at least each of us :P

  7. The hotdog nice hor. The bun is so soft and hotdog so long. haha...

  8. Little Joshua can eat the curry puff??
    Not bad... I myself find it quite hot..

  9. i love their curry puffs....:) like many ppl if i dun buy their curry puffs it means i have not been to IKEA HAHAHAAHHA

  10. Hahahahaha!!!! I love your face lah! Want to cubit, so cute!!! I heard so much about the meatballs at IKEA...but so far nobody has taken me there to try. So kesian lah friends. Sobs!!!

  11. Hidayah...and not forgeting the biscuits sold there too. Very nice:D

  12. love the food at ikea. make me feel like going there after my dental appointment tomorrow. but i think i cannot make it. because after dental sure 'kong kong' in the head wan, haha.

  13. Agnes

    Regret? Then come again lor :D

  14. 2ma

    I think mention IKEA HotDog and Curry Puff , everyone know already :p

  15. Cynthia

    You also ah...kakaka..

  16. uLi

    ya and the

  17. Leona

    He bites the crunchy corners

  18. Manglish

    Betul tu..Tak sah if didnt buy

  19. Yes! I love the curry puffs too. Sometimes I take two puffs and free coffee for lunch. Eat less, weigh less, spend less.

    But sound so kiasu hor...

    Nevermind, it's my life.

  20. We love the curry puffs too!! But we can't buy it everytime we go to Ikea cos we go there too often haha.

    How you tapau the hotdog ar? How come the sauce and condiments all still looked so nice instead of all mashed up?

  21. Gus

    two is quite filling already since the size are big leh

  22. You kenot claim that you've been to IKEA if you do not try out these two things! Rite? It's a MUST have.. :)

  23. Chleo's Mummy

    Yes, "tapau-ed" the hotdog as well. Ate inthe car. If you see a mad lady holding two hotdogs with a packet of Curry Puff navigating at IKEA, that's me lor! wakakaka

  24. I only ate their curry puffs once or twice only coz I hate the long queue. in the car some more. Gwen used to eat biscuits in the car and roaches start appearing after a while. Must make sure no crumbs are left in the car lor.

  25. Mummy Gwen

    surprisingly though the queue very long but the service very fast.

    True what you said about the roaches

  26. oh..havent try the hotdog before..somemore can kah liu? Good..try next time.

  27. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE7 April 2010 at 17:06

    I don't know how to put it in such a way so as not to "offend" u - was wondering if those "buffet-style" operators will be lucky to meet kathy & "her-kind" of customer..LOL

    Ok jz joke - always my pleasure (syiok sendiri) to tease Kathy

  28. Wah, add so much stuff.....become Mountain dog already! LOL!

  29. Mommy Ling

    they give you kosong punya. You sendiri kar liu...kakaka

  30. Pete

    good name wor..Smallkucing's Mountain Dog from IKEA

  31. MRC

    Buffet will go bankrupt when i visit lo :p

  32. Cilaka la um woman... show hot dog summore. LOL...makes me so damn hungry. Btw, I never go Ikea before... one of these days....must go serang and kiasu oso...

  33. Cleff

    very very sorry. A thousand apology. Next time i put fried bihun :p

  34. yep, i love the hot dogs too, but never try the curry puff yet though. Is it nice?

  35. @smallkucing... *HORRIFIED* NOOOOOOOO~ Dun put fried beehoon.... it'll be a torture... sobsosb... u feed me beehoon, can, but dun put it up! Sobsosbsosb.... scary man!

    @Cikgu... dun worry, ur not alone...I oso never go IKEA before. You can kawan wif me. Sobsob... nobody bring me there... I oso very chammmm... summor elive in KL! Sobsobsob!

  36. yummy~ drooling drooling ... :p

  37. Somehow, when I'm at IKEA, I never got a chance to eat the karipap which people say is GOOD.

    And they've hotdogs too? DROOL and double drool!

  38. Oh....I love Ikea Hotdog...super yummy.
    Only when I got chance to go KL or Spore,then I can eat again.
    Really wish can fly to KL or Spore now to have a bite of the Ikea hotdog...really craving for it.

  39. Lionel

    The Curry Puff are a bit oily but nice

  40. Mery

    Next round make sure go get Ikea Hotdog,meatballs and curry puffs :)

  41. hmmm, i actually think the food at IKEA is nice.. the curry puff, hot dog, meatballs and the daim cake!! :p

  42. SK

    much nicer than many food court food.

  43. wait till i post the taiwan hot dog..

  44. When will IKEA open a branch over here in Sibu? I am waiting!

  45. OOH !! I love Ikea hotdogs !! Especially the fact that you can add as much toppings as you want.. yumboz

  46. Wenn

    Your post tonight already made me hungry liao:P

  47. Superman

    Duno sign of open anywhere else in Msia pun:(

  48. Joanna

    Ya...can take as much of the kind of topping that u want..that is the best part.

  49. Mamarazzi! Why do you have to make my stomach go growling this morning :(( I haven't had the signature hotdog from Ikea in quite a while! Missing it! I love the meatballs too! But haven't tried the curry puff before... will put that note in mind! ;)

  50. How much is the IKEA hotdog? So far I go IKEA only eat is the ice-cream! :-D

  51. Lenglui Witch

    The Curry puffs are nice but a bit oily :) . Eat with a cup of coffee...yummm

  52. Alice

    RM2 only. They will give you a hotdog with bread. Then you sendiri put the "liu" . Up to you how much "liu" you wana put. And if you take soft drink, it's free refill

  53. Kathy, thought Ikea stops selling this hot dog already cause we couldn't get it the other day we went. Our favorite hot dog.

  54. haven't makan in ikea for smetime oredi... wah, you can kawan with me, i also kiasu one :-D

  55. Lil' Bulb

    It's on leh. Maybe they close for a few days kot? maintenance or something

  56. Boey Joey

    gimme 5! the"kiasu" gang. Maybe we can organize buffet lunch / dinner forkiasu gang and serang some restaurant. kakaka

  57. Joanne

    A bit oily but nice :D


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