
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 26 October 2009

The Story Of P

Mamarazzi have been asking me many times to Shh Shh or Pee Pee into the potty. I don't understand why. It's so uncomfortable.

Each time I took bath, Mamarazzi will be by my side and start making "Shh shh shh" sound. And when "water" finally come out from my birdie, she would be very excited and praise me Good Boy or Clever Boy. What is so great about this thing called Shh shh?

One day I decided to find out.

Usually I have many toys in my bath tub. Among them is this Anmum Milk Powder Scoop.

That day, I've decided to Shh Shh into this scoop. It fits my hand and birdie nicely. I tried to taste the "water" when it had fill up the scoop. The next thing I know is that Mamarazzi is shouting at me. Saying "Dirty! Dirty!".

Nevertheless, I didn't give up. I continue to "experiment" but without the tasting part.

Sorry video nor photos of this action as people might be accusing Mamarazi of publishing kiddy porn.

But I wonder whether other kids is also curious like me. What's the big deal of Shh Shh.?


  1. Ha ha ha, shh shh, like chrysanthemum tea, aiyo mama marah!

  2. Hahaha....LOL! Joshua, you aimed into that tiny scoop very nicely leh :P

    SMiled today!

  3. Lucky caught him in time. If drink liao, I got no eyes see...kakkakaka

  4. Wah...he is so adventourous. Want to drink the shh shh somemore! hahaha...

  5. ya loh mNhL. Thanks for all the $mile$


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