
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 12 October 2009

Durian Hutan, Cameron

One fine morning...

Papa : Wanna go Ipoh?

Mamarazzi : What for?

Papa : Jenjarom?

Mamarazzi : Too early

Papa : Cameron?

Mamarazzi : yayayayayayaya.....(1000x)

That is how i end up fighting with my Baby Car Seat again. Naughty seat kept throwing me left and right. But at least this time I've got some experience already. Not so bad. And while I was sleeping, Papa and Mamarazzi saw many orang asli selling durians, petai and etc along the road up. They decided to stop and have some durians.

RM25/longgok. Bargain down to RM23 where the Old Man refused to go lower.

His helper opening one of the durians

Jeng~Jeng~jeng~ want durian?

Nice. But what's the obscene thing in the middle ah? The durian taste very "lemak". Can't finish the whole longgok so just tapau the rest. But then by the time reach Tanah Rata, the car stinks like nobody's business. Papa made a quick stop whereby Mamarazzi went and bought a knife and plastic container.

That is how come Papa end-up opening durian near the Pasar Malam at Cameron. Some passerby thought Papa is selling durians. They approached the car thought of inquiring the price and quickly turn back when they notice it's not.

Wow! this durian sure sedap! Just see this BIG worm! Eat till BIG and FAT!

Operation done. One BIG Jar of Durians! A warning to all durian lovers. Remember to put a plastic container in your car always. Don't be like Papa and Mamarazzi. Made the car stinks and got misunderstood as durian sellers pulak. Nasib baik tak kena tangkap by police for having a knife in the car.


  1. Sure looks creamy and nice....just finished eating some durians in my fridge.....this weekend can get somemore!

  2. The durians was creamy and nice. Surprisingly after eating these durian, don't feel as heaty and those D24, XO and etc. Not much blurping too. Guess durian hutan are different gua.

  3. LPM - 1st time I see durian worm so big too. Normally are those small white worms.

  4. wow wow.. the durians! oh, next time put some charcoal in the car, sure no smell... :D

  5. Very big worm...
    I like to eat durian too.

  6. Cyn- Didn't expect to see durian there so apa also never prepare. Otherwise would have bring along container for the durian

    Mery- seems that we are alike :). Am crazy about durians too.

  7. True, time must leave container in the car, you never know when it will be useful! And basin too, in case you chance upon some cheap and fresh seafood!

    Gave you another smile!

  8. Ya loh, Alice. Last time we bought fish from Temerloh but never bring Basin. Had to put the fish on the leg area. Though all rapped in paper and plastic, it's quite "geli" to hear the fish flip flop. Mind you..the fishes were gutted.

  9. wah.. i wan la.. durians still got meh? aiyoh, then must go camerons la..

  10. I think durian is in season again

  11. Wow....'pure' durian from orang asli! hahah... I missed Cameron. My late aunty used to stay nearby and she likes to buy rebung (bamboo shoot) from the org asli. Big bundle, cheap and fresh!

  12. Ya, mHhL. Saw a lot of rebung too. Didn't buy coz I don't know how to cook rebung. Any simple dish?


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