
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Crescent’s Warehouse Sale,Dewan de Kelana

Yay! We are here!

Crescent Warehouse Sale which was mentioned in Juan Or's Mummy's blog (

Very wide area and spacious area. Not many people though it was a Sunday. All those book which is under 50%, 30% and 20% discount are arranged neaty. True, what Juan Or's Mommy have said.Not very cheap.

At the back/end of the hall are jumbles of Children books and others. Have to dig real hard to find the good one. Price ranging from RM1 to RM5. However, Mamarazzi did manage to get quite a number of books for me.

Only 1 table of English Fiction books. Nothing much. Discount nt much and limited titles.

Woi! Wait for me! heavy leh.

Hmm...nobody help me to carry. I carry sendiri la.

Well, here are the books. Those hardcover The Lost World, Alibaba, Tale of the Two Cities , Gulliver's Travels, Manfields Park and Chicken Soup for the Soul are RM2 each. Said I can read when I'm older. The two Mr Toad's books, The Letter and Snow White is RM3 each while the Friendship Braiding is RM4 only.

These are my books, Mamarazzi's and Papa's. Ben Bunny is RM5 and his baju is made of cloth. Learning Phonenic and Aladdin hardcover books are RM3. The cheapest is Pinocchio. RM1 only! The rest are RM5.

The sale is still on going till 22nd October 2009. If you are interested to go, do checkout for the detail and map.


  1. pssst... can i borrow the nora roberts one? or can buy for me? :) dont have such warehouse sales in IPOH...

  2. Haha~ He really drag and carry the plastic bag full of books! Cute pose!

  3. Wah... cheap wat... gotto really dig isn't?

  4. many storybooks for your boy!

  5. Oh! Quite a lot of purchase you have!!

  6. Wow! A lot of great buy you have there. Enjoy reading, little boy.

  7. Reanaclaire : Can.How to past to you? make a trip down to KL this weekend la. Payless Books is having warehouse sale Can even pass you the Nora Roberts book :)

    LPM : hehehe...dragged for a distance coz I kacau him say don't wanna carry. As him to carry.

    BoeyJoey : yup really have to dig. Those neatly arranged one are rather expensive.

    mNhL & Rose: I see so cheap rm1-rm3, beh tahan. Worth the buy. A friend once told me whether a child read or don't read it's another matter. Just make sure there is a book within a child's reach. :)

  8. That Aladdin one, hardcover some more, for RM3 is very cheap! Wish I found that one too! Aiyo, wasted!

  9. There's still TOMORROW, Alice. 23rd! PLB sale too.


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