
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 9 October 2009

Kedai Makanan Laut Yalim, Pandamaran Part3

This is a very late post. In fact it's two weeks late. Mamarazzi nyanyuk and kinda forgotten this sets of photos.

Once again Mamarazzi crave for Lala Soup. Surprisingly when we arrived at the shop, we saw this banner. Wah! this restaurant is getting famous liao.

Now lets get down to business.

Kam Heong Crab. I didn't eat this coz it's spicy. But Mamarazzi said it's a bit too oily. I saw Papa eat okay aje.

Mamarazzi's favourite Lala Soup. Hmmm...this round the soup is a bit murky and the Lala not that sweet and juicy.

Previous times, we have not tried the fish here. Thus, Mamarazzi decided to try out the Steam Fish. What's this fish called? Red Date Fish? Taste nice but size a bit small and pricey. RM20 over for this small fish.

Papa, what are you eating so syok one? I want some too.

"Choy Tham". The vegetable is a bit old but should be taste good la. Why?

Coz even worm like to eat it. GUARANTEE this vege don't have pesticide. Kecian, Mr Worm. Kena fried with the vege. Can eat ah this worm? I think can la since in Thailand and China they also eat worms as delicacies.
Aaahmmmn...hmm chewy..a bit salty...Hehehe acha aje. I didn't eat the worm la. I was just eating a piece of ice.

Mantis Prawn. Papa's favourite.

Eh...still got a grain of rice. Don't waste. This round the food was so-so only. Can be forgiven since it was 1st week of Hari Raya. Maybe it was hard for the shop to get nice seafood at that time since it was just after a long holiday.


  1. Wah~ U go mum mum ho liao again~ Yummy~

  2. OMG!! I miss all those seafood. Sayang, i need to wait for another 2 months then can taste crabs, due to my c-section.....

  3. Pandamaran, long time didn't eat around here already! Mantis prawn is my favourite! yum yum!

  4. Ya lo syok syok mum mum, LPM.

    Rose, you also C-Sect ah. Drink more Pati Ikan Haruan and take more Vit C. Heal faster. Aiyo...C-sect very cham. Wanna sneeze also painful.

    Pete, where do you usually go for seafood at Pandamaran?

  5. Hahaha...Juan Or also likes to play with ice. And mantis prawn is also my hubby's favourite.


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