
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 8 October 2009

Lets Get Your Seat Belt On! my seat. I've seem to have forgotten something. What ah?

Oh Yah! My seat belt!

Have to put on my seat belt. Don't play play! Nanti Papa brekkkk, I fly out the window.

I saw Mamarazzi put it on for me. This goes here.

One down.

One more to go.

There! I'm ready. Lets GO!


  1. Oh~ He's able to fasten his seatbelt by himself!~ Bravo!!!~~~ Btw, can he untied himself too?!

  2. Good boy! He knows about the importance to buckle when in the car.

  3. Put him on the car seat since he was 2months old. Now whenever he goes into the car he will climb into his car seat. As for fastening the seat belt, not yet. He can put the seat belt but still needs me to really click it on.

  4. We all need to learn from the little fella. :-)


  5. good boy!! pandainya... so he is used to doing that when he sits in the car each time? next time he sure can pass his driving test.. hahaa..

  6. Yup..the Papa very strict about Car Seat. No matter how we hold the kid but when come to car crash, we won't even have the time to save ourselves. he goes into the seat, he will search for the seat belt.


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