
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 6 October 2009

No Eye See...Books Books and More Books

Alamak!..1,2,3,4,5.....another stack of books. Mamarazzi met her book supplier again. Every time Mamarazzi meet her books supplier, I sure pening. This book supplier is lending Mamarazzi a whole load of books. He sure can open a book shop when he retires. Fuiyoh! he have a lot and lot and lots of books. Mostly are hardcovers. Eventhough most are from Payless Books, but they are in almost pristine condition.

This book supplier really have eyes for good books eventhough he seldom have time to read. Normally he would chose books for Mamarazzi and she found most of it to be very interesting and involves a variety of topics.

He is very particular on who he lends the books to for he sayang the books very much.The borrower must take real good care of the books and must return them when he/she is fininsh reading them. Hmm...some people would just borrow books and other things and "buat harta". Haiz...baaaad habit.

Well, in return for his generousity, Mamarazzi would wrap the books nicely for him to ensure that they are not soiled.

Haiz...I've got no eyes see loh....Don't know how many nights is Mamarazzi going to take to devour this stack of books. Maybe a month?

Many people would say, A Dog is A Man's Best Friend. For Mamarazzi, it's BOOKS!


  1. wow..i also want a book supplier..hahaa.. i love to read and read a lot last time before i started blogging.. then my novel hut closed down 2 years ago and i couldnt rent any more books since then...buying one is pricey.. good that u have a book supplier to lend u ...

  2. eye see!!! Wow..u can read so many books. For me, I will fall asleep. heheh...

  3. Reanaclaire- Buying is indeed pricey. But I got most of my books from Paylessbook warehouse sale before the shutdown ther outlet. Now there are tonnes of books waiting for me to read. In fact they are having another warehouse sale this weekend

    mNhl- good la..can fall asleep after a tiring day :) No insomnia.

  4. Wah...I really salute you that you can still find the time to read your leisure books. As for me, all those books that I bought before for my own reading pleasure (since my university days till now), I still haven't finish reading them! What's more now got baby already, I lagi can't make time to read! Tabik! Tabik!

  5. I sneak time after Joshua zzz loh. Call it a bedtime story :P


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