
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 11 October 2009



Mamarazzi cubit me! She said it's to teach me a lesson not to cubit people.

*sob*sob* sob* I didn't know cubit people is wrong ma. I was only being playful.


  1. it's so heart broken to see him cry like that!

  2. What happen to this little boy? Don't cry. It makes us feel sad to see little boy cry like that.

  3. Cry until so kesian~~~~~~~

    Hope you learn the lesson and don't ever cubit others again, ya~~

  4. This litttle boy don't know learn from where started pinching. Must Teach him not to do that. Well, as people say.."Spared the rod..spoil the...."

  5. Hahaha....I agree...when children are naughty, must teach them a lesson! Even though the child looks kesian, but as parents have to ajar the child one! I agree wth "Spare the rod, spoil the child!".

    Gave you two :) today! Have nice day!

  6. Thanks Alice :). How's Juan Or's DiGI getting on?


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