
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 10 October 2009

Restoran Muhibbah Seafood

Note: Haiz..this post kena "publishing Hantu". Type many times and the thing kept disappearing. Sorry for the inadvertent publishing of uncompleted post earlier.

Round and round we go. Where we stop nobody knows. Another day. Don't know what to eat. Just tembak and try this Malay restaurant at TTDI lah.

What's in the Menu?

Huh? Very Chinese type of dishes. Sing Kong Taufu, Steam fish, fried lala, yau mak...etc

Hmm...why don't I have mood to eat after looking at the Menu? Sien. Cincai order Cantonese Fried Noodle and Fried Rice la

Mamarazzi gave me Watermelon juice in my cup. Too sweet. Does not suit me.RM2.50

Papa gave me his Pineapple Juice. Yucky. I don't like Pineapple juice RM2.50.

Wat-Tan-Hor. Don't know how to comment. Got style, taste not enough. RM6.

Fried Rice RM6.

What? Me be Guinea Pig again??

Overall, the food here is good but can't compare with genuine chinese dishes. As for service.....haiz...just see below...We just paid..haven't even left the table and they slammed a "Reserved" on the table...

Well, this is just my personal opinion lah. Not necessary represent the truth . Each person have different tastes


  1. How's the food and pricing? Looks like they have lots of Chinese style dishes!

  2. Once again, very sorry about the incomplete post. For me the food is poor imitation of chinese atyle of cooking.

  3. gosh! y u order chinese food from a malay rest.??? They don't have malay food like nasi goreng kampung, nasi pattaya, nasi paprik? etc..... RM6 is very expensive.

  4. mNhL - Ya I thought got something like that too or Kerabu Manga. But open the Menu and see mostly Chinese Dishes. Since there already, so lazy to get in the car and search other place. Hope that it's nice but unfortunately.. Like I've said, could be this restuarant is something like speciality type of shop. Catering for those Chinese muslim food.


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