
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 22 October 2009

Restaurant Sate Kajang Hj Samuri, Kajang(update)

Hey, remember Mamarazzi's post on Restaurant Satay Kajang Hj Samuri?( We went there a year ago and "tapau" the satay home to eat. We went there again last Saturday after meeting Kong Kong and Mah Mah at the airport.

More impressive decoration. Uiks! Got canon! Don't play play. You don't pay, you don't eat and will kena tembak...kekeke..Just joking.

Well, here's one for the ablum.I'VE BEEN HERE!

Self service liao? Not enough staffs?......

Here are the Satay. Looks delicious, right? Unfortunately not. Mamarazzi managed to eat one of each only. She bite the chicken satay. Saw the meat is pink colour. The meat is cooked. Not uncooked. Could it be that the meat had been frozen before that? Coz whenever, Mamarazzi cooked chicken meat from the freezer, though have been defrost, the colour of the meat will still be a bit pinkish.

Price wise, average is 60sens per piece.

However, the good news is that the gravy still remain the same quality...which is simply super duper delicious.

Nasi Himpit. If not mistaken RM2.50 per packet.

I had Watermelon juice with Lychee. On 1st taste of lychee, I give it a thumbs up. It's my first time eating lychee. Unfortunately, I vomitted some of it out in the car later. Kesian Papa had to bear with the smelly car.

ABC..forgot the price but Papa said nothing impressive. Normal aje.

But at least I got my photo in the Carriage and with the Canon.

P/S: Papa,Mamarazzi and my Uncle sort of lausai that night. Not sure it's due to this or other things that they ate.


  1. Yummy Kajang Satay!~ But laosai after that.. charm~~~~

  2. Hj Samsuri's satay is nice. They have branches along Kesas Highway too, both sides but not sure it is still there.
    They have one in Taipan too. But I think the original one in Kajanag should be better.

  3. Don't worry, the cannon hole so small only.....puttttt, one small marble come out, not cannon ball! ha ha ha!

    I love Hj Samuri Satay, there is a branch in D'sara Utama. Always drop by here!

  4. All I can say is I used to love that satay la..used to.

  5. Hey...they have branches everywhere la...even Seremban (Senawang) also got 1 branch. And those rest area along highway also got. Maybe too many branches the quality in the main one drop. We used to frequent the Senawang one and the quality is very GOOD. Always pack with people. I loooovvveee Satay!!! But very heaty.


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