
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Special Thank You To...

Today is Chinese New Year Eve... What are you doing today? For me, I am at Ah Kong and Ah Mah's home.

This year I have been truly blessed with all kinds of goodies.

Thank you Auntie Cynthia for the Kuih Kapit and Keropok Udang.

 Thank you Auntie Chee Yee for the cookies.

 Thank you, Anonymous for the cookies and card.

Thank you Auntie Florence and Uncle Patrick for the Pineapple Tarts and Kuih Bangkit. photo of Kuih Bangkit coz I walloped all already.

Last and not least, thank you Auntie Claire for this. Mamarazzi said very moisturising and not oily leh. Great to use after all the goreng-ing.

May everyone have a great Chinese New Year!


  1. hehehe.. actually you got another container of sables with me la.. Aunty Chee Yee give you one, but I forgot to pass you... I keep first la, just in case you wallop..

    Enjoy your holiday and come back safe and sound ya.. :D

  2. Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family!

    Wish SK get lots of angpow. :)

  3. Qong Xi Fa Cai to you and mama and papa...and hope you will get baby rabbit brother to play with or baby rabbit sister to bully. Muahahahaha!

  4. wah, so many goodies for small kucing.. wish you have a prosperous and happy chinese new year!! :)

  5. gong xi fa cai to mama kucing and family =D

  6. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your lovely family! So many goodies, I reckon anakrazzi will look more 'endou'(handsome) if put on some weight!;D

  7. Happy Chinese New Year. Wah, smallkucing to so many cookies....can share with Uncle Pete or not? he he he!

  8. Wah... So much goodies! Happy new year!!

  9. Kathy,

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you , Joshua and Hubby :) Have a Healthy, Happy & Prosperous Rabbit year !!

  10. Auntie Cynthia many cookies ah.

    Thank you for the keropokmwor. Mamarazzi fried and distribute to my relative in KT. They makan till garu kepala. trying to guess what keropok is that. hahahaha

    Yup..come back safe and sound liao

  11. Chee Yee

    Thank you for all the cookies :D

    Happy New year!

  12. STP

    *pengsan* tikus running around plus a rabbit jumping..I think Mamarazzi will buy ticket and retire to Sibu lo

  13. Mars Mell-o

    Thank you very much. Hope you get lotsa angpau too

  14. Alice

    Hahaha...adoi...if anakrazzi put on more weight Mamarazzi kenot carry am 17kg already...

    You say cham moe...Mamarazzi bought baju for me 2-3weeks before CNY and can wear one...then during CNY tried to wear...the seluar and baju seems to have "Shrunk"

  15. Uncle Pete

    Can many more..Auntie Chen Chzan just gave me a WHOLE lot of cookies , cakes and keropok lekor.

  16. Chris

    Thank you. Gong Hei Fatt Choy to you and your family

  17. Elin

    Thank you very much. Same to you and your family too. :D

  18. Wenn

    Gong Xi Fatt Chai and Sang Yi Heng Loong to you


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