
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 8 February 2011

BB Ho Steamboat, Bandar Puteri Puchong

It is a custom for Mamarazzi to go Chinese New year shopping with Yee Yee every year. This year was the same. Mamarazzi ditched Papa and me. 

After all the shopping has been done, all of us had dinner together at BB Ho Steamboat at Bandar Putri Puchong.

Nah...we didn't have Steamboat.  We had their Lala Fried Bihun. Wow...see the Lala. So BIG. Really terkejut to see such big Lala.

Ah Yee order Fishball for me.

Yumm yumm...I love the soup

Then come the Crabs. Crabs in Sweet and Sour Sauce.

Kam Heong Crabs. Both dish were yummy. I had a mouthful of the Kam Heong Crab and my mouth was on fire. Guess I can't take much of spicy food gua.

I wonder next year we will makan where pulak.


  1. waahhh.. i fell in love with the lala la! take me there next time! please..................

  2. totally nice food! yum!
    happy new year to the kucing clan. all the best this rabbit year.

  3. I think I would love the crabs. The mountain! They need to do something about their presentation...

  4. OMG lala bihun and crab again!!!!

  5. I thought I will read a steamboat dinner post?

  6. yum3, always lala and crab! i love them too!

  7. a bit scared of steamboat now, because every year CNY reunion dinner is steamboat, and we normally spent another few more days to clear up the stock~~ @_@

  8. STP

    aiyo as long as sedap enuf lor...cantik cantik but tak sedap also tarak syok

  9. Chee Yee

    Hahaha that was before CNY lo

  10. Choi Yen la...too much steamboat already

  11. Gold Flower

    Bila u coming down KL?

  12. SK

    hahaha thats why we didnt order steamboat :p

  13. AH! The crabs look good!! yumm!

  14. The crabs totally caught my eye! everything looks yummy though :D


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