
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 20 February 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-The Three Wise Men by Enid Blyton

I love this week story. Mamarazzi told me the story from Enid Blyton's book about The Three Wise Men.

There was 3 wise men from a distance land who can read the stars in the sky. They know that one day a great king would be born. The greatest King of all.

One day they noticed a bright star in the sky. The next night it become brighter and brighter. They know that this is the sign that the great King has been born and the star hovers around Israel.

These 3 wise men decided to go and pay honor to this great King. They brought along rich gifts and they travelled many days till the come to King Herod's palace. But when they saw King Herod, they know that he is not the great King.

They consulted their scrolls again and found a clue that the great King born in Bethlehem. They asked King Herod for direction. King Herod told them and asked them to come to see him on their way back.

The 3 wise men came to the place where Joseph and Mary was staying temporary and true enough the star hovers upon the house. They presented gifts to Baby Jesus. Gifts that is worth to honor great King - gold,  frankincense and myrrh. Mary was amazed.

Then they went away to rest. But that night they each had a dream. In the dream, God warn them not to go to King Herod's palace on their way home. They debated whether to warn Joseph and Mary but the reasoned that since God had warned them, God would certainly warn Joseph and Mary too. They used another route o go home

Meantime, King Herod was waiting impatiently for their return.


  1. Alamak... auntie nids to go and read bible again... forget who is this King Herod liao!

  2. Enid Blyton! Used to love the books when I was young.

    I will definately get these books for my children when I have them. XD

  3. I know one of the three - ME!!! Very wise. Muahahahaha!!!

  4. Isaac

    Maybe nowadays kids will be more more holding books....will be holding iPad


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