
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 6 February 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-The Baby Jesus by Enid Blyton

Hello again! Am back. Gosh! It was a tiring trip but I bet not as tiring trip as Mary's when she went to Bethlehem to register for taxes. She gave birth to Baby Jesus there you know?  Ya..that is what written in the Bible and in Enid Blyton's Book.

Mary loved Jesus very much and wrapped him in swaddling cloth which she made herself. But they didn't have a baby cot. Joseph had an idea that is to put him in a Manger full of soft hay. And there Jesus lay soundly asleep. Only two people know that the King of Kings have been born and he was not born in any palace nor to a pretty princess.

But the Angels in heaven knows and they sing in joy of his birth. Ya..that was Jesus' birthday and it was also the first Christmas.


  1. Saw photos of the jam on the highway... I would not want to go home, if like that. Maybe take leave...go early and come back late when the madding crowd is gone.

  2. Welcome home!! CNY is almost over.. going to work tomorrow..

  3. Need to get back to work tomorrow... So how many hours spent in highway?

  4. STP

    we were caught in the jam for 4 hours lo

  5. Claire

    Thanks :D Very tiring journey

  6. TZ

    Start around 11am ..arrived around 8pm..caught in the jam before Bentong Toll . Jam around 4 hrs la

  7. In my book on Enid Blyton, titled, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (, I have a segment titled, "Religion in Blytonian Literature."
    Stephen Isabirye


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